Oil on canvas, 36 x 48 inches, 1988

(Private collection, Chad's Ford, Pennsylvania)

For this commission, the artist decided to invent an imaginary town in the shape of a bird. The walls of the canyon in which the town is located is lined with buildings, some of which pertain to the members of the owner's family and their interests (gallery, opera house, bookstore, brewery, business office). The most significant symbol in the painting is the statue of a woman, a guide in the owner's life, and her little dog, on the right bottom side.  The painting also includes some elements which will persistently appear in other paintings of the artists:  the canyon walls shaped as faces, a balloon, a windmill, signs, windows, doors, and fences. The most remarkable thing about this painting was revealed after its completion and delivery.  Creating this composition, the artist was completely unaware that the owner's family name, derived from an old German word, means "bird."

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