This section presents icons which I've written after attending a workshop led by Teresa Harrison.  The essence of writing icons lies in prayerful meditation during the creation process and in the recognition that the completed icon is not a work of art  painted for aesthetic admiration, but a guide and spiritual path to the divine.  In simpler words, venerating an icon we are not worshiping a wooden idol but elevate ourselves to and commune with the prototype.  Icons are becoming more and more popular, even among the non-orthodox because they provide great assistance in prayer and often emanate holiness and sanctity not found in other kinds of artistic expression. The icons presented here were written with acrylic paints and not egg tempera.  Most have no "arch" (kovcheg).


The Archangel Michael

The Archangel Gabriel

The Archangel Gabriel

St. Nicholas of Myra (Byzantine)

St. Nicholas the Wonderworker (Russian)

St. Catherine of Alexandria

Christ Acheiropoietos (Mandylion)

Sinai Pantocrator

The Virgin "Unexpected Joy"

The Virgin of Kazan

The Virgin of Ostra Brama

The Virgin of Korsun with Opals

The Virgin of Korsun with Jewels

The Entombment and Lamentation

Do Not Touch Me

Archangel Michael Commander of the Heavenly Host

St. Richard of Chichester