ECO 213 -- Principles of Economics II (Macroeconomics)
Spring, 1999
TTh 11-12:15 (CSS-167) and 2-3:15 (Bush-325)
Eric A. Schutz
Cornell Social Sciences #259
This course continues the introduction
to economics provided in ECO 212, Principles of Economics I (Microeconomics).
A society's "economy" is the set of all its activities
and institutions that have to do with the allocation of its resources
among alternative productive uses and the distribution of its
material goods and services among its members. While microeconomics
is the study of the nature and behavior of the component
institutions of the economy (firms, consumers, employees, governments,
etc.), macroeconomics focuses on the economy as a whole.
Thus macroeconomics deals with such matters as the level and growth
of the economy's total product output, the existence of economy-wide
unemployment and/or inflation, national fiscal and monetary policy,
and international trade and finance.
Economics is a subject of great political controversy,
since it unavoidably involves such issues as "labor vs. management",
"capitalism vs. socialism", the "advanced vs. the
underdeveloped world", etc., and this course will consider
the variety of contending viewpoints that exists on such issues.
Thus besides helping you reason through and clarify your own viewpoint
on those issues, it will also help you broaden your perspective
on things in general.
Economics is also a somewhat "technical"
subject, of course, and besides simply helping you improve your
comprehension of the U.S. economy and the various viewpoints that
people take on it, this course will also help you develop your
general conceptual and reasoning skills and your facility with
written and oral communication.
Most classes will have a lecture/discussion format
-- a few may involve video's or guest appearances, etc. Class
attendence is not required, but it is very strongly recommended
that besides reading and studying regularly you attend all classes.
Aside from the occasional unannounced quizzes or special assignments
that will be given in class, the lectures and discussions will
also frequently focus on matters not directly covered in the readings
or homework. You ought to do the assigned readings ahead
of time (as scheduled below), so that you'll be prepared to participate
intelligently in the class discussions and perform satisfactorily
on unannounced quizzes, etc. Grades will be determined by your
work on four in-class exams as scheduled below, a half-dozen
homework assignments, and whatever quizzes or special
asignments may be given. Unless you have strongly mitigating
reason, tardy work on an assignment or failure to complete
an exam will result in stiff reductions in your grade on that
item. If you must be late with an assignment or exam, see me ahead
of time and we'll make arrangements.
-- Arthur O'Sullivan & Steven M. Sheffrin, Macroeconomics:
Principles & Tools.
-- Randy Albelda et al. (Dollars & Sense Collective),
Real World Macro: A Macroeconomics Reader from Dollars &
Sense (13th Ed.).
-- Other short readings may be handed out in class
or put on reserve in the library.