Just Peace ....


is the periodical published by the Florida Coalition for Peace & Justice, a group of political activists in Florida's movement for peace through social and environmental justice.  The FCPJ co-sponsors the Common Ground Conferences annually at Rollins College, and has been involved in many political demonstrations and activities, such as the Walk for the Earth, highlighting the general decline of Florida's ecology and indigenous peoples; demonstrations over the "nuclearization" of space in the Galileo and Cassini launches from Cape Canaveral; and the on-going education of young people in the FCPJ's annual summer Peace Camps. Its member-affiliations have included such diverse groups as the Florida Greens Party, the Grandmothers for Peace, a number of Unitarian Universalist, Catholic and other church organizations throughout the state, and the Tampa Communist Party. Here are my own past contributions to Just Peace:

  • "Common Ground: The Question of Property" (JP #32, Summer 1995).
  • "Again the Question of Property: Public Matters, Private Rights" (JP #34, Summer, 1996).
  • "Democracy in Crisis" (JP Vol 15#1).
  • "It's the Media, Stupid!" (JP, Winter, 1998-99).

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