Worldwide renewable sources exist to assist nations.

The world's richest nations including the European Union, Canada, the US, Australia, The Middle East and Japan have the wealth, technological capacity and engineering capability to provide energy efficient, sustainable solutions based on renewable resources to reduce the impact of development on the atmosphere.

The US has numerous examples of alternative means of generating electricity.This solar electrical recharging garage at the Sacramento airport is just one example of the renewable approach to making electricity. Americans consume more electricity at peak times of the day than our fossil fuel plants can provide.

Since these twin peaks occur when the sun is shining, several kinds of needs can be met with solar electric or solar thermal technology. Solar thermal technology is nearly 120 years old while photovoltaic (solar electric) technology that powers satellites is nearly sixty years old.


Needs that are better met by solar electrical or solar thermal facilities are:
water pumps
exhaust fans
electrical vehicle recharging
water heating
At peak demand times
(6AM to 9AM and 4PM to 7PM) when energy is costly to produce and consumption is highest, any electricity savings from conservation or alternative sources becomes a more effective use of resources than adding additional fossil fueled turbines to generate more electricity. That is because the fuel is expensive and the combustion adds to air pollution.


