Department: Environmental Health Sciences
180.609.01 – Term: 1st term

Credits: (4 credits)


  Consists of concepts, principles, and applications of the field of environmental health from the foundation view of the core natural and social science disciplines supporting recent research. We introduce sources of ill health, pathways of exposure, and methods of control of the principal physical, chemical, biologic and psychosocial factors within the environment effecting human health. Through discussions and exercises focused on current environmental health issues, students examine the components of the environmental health paradigm and the opportunities it presents for the development and application of effective preventive and interventive strategies. Through lectures and discussions, students review and evaluate current environmental health literature.



Contact: E. William Spannhake
Academic Year: 2013 - 2014
Course Instructor:

Presents concepts, principles, and applications of the core natural and social science disciplines that form the basis of the field of environmental health. Topics include the sources, pathways of exposure and methods of control of the principal physical, chemical, biologic and psychosocial factors within the environment that impact human health. Through discussions and exercises focused on current environmental health issues, students examine the components of the environmental health paradigm and the opportunities it presents for the development and application of effective preventive and interventive strategies. Through lectures and discussions, students review and evaluate current environmental health literature.

Student Evaluation: Student evaluation based on the level of active participation in class discussions and exercises (10%), individual/group assignments (50%) and two examinations (40%).
Learning Objective:

Upon successful completion of the course, students will be able to:

• Define the main scientific and sociologic disciplines that form the basis of environmental health and explain how these disciplines and their practitioners interact within the environmental health paradigm.

• Describe the sources, pathways of exposure and methods of control of the principal physical, chemical, biologic and psychosocial hazards that impact human health in ambient, indoor and occupational environments.

• Explain the processes associated with the translation of scientific and health data into public health policy and environmental law. • Identify and describe important current and emerging environmental problems that pose a risk to public health and describe the multidisciplinary environmental health approach to their solution.

Location: Baltimore
Class Times:
Enrollment Minimum: 10
Enrollment Maximum: 36
Enrollment Restriction: Enrollment limited to degree-seeking students in SPH graduate programs. Permission from instructor required for non-EHS students.
Instructor Consent: Consent required for some students

Consent is required for non-EHS degree candidates.

For consent, contact:


Auditors Allowed: Yes, with instructor consent
Grading Restriction: Letter Grade or Pass/Fail
Catalog Subcommittee Actions: StudentEval, CourseOfferRationaleNote, CourseSectionNote, CourseLearningObj, LearningMaterial, WaitList, .08/06/2013;
Special Comments: MHS degree candidates in EHS are required to take both Principles of Environmental Health I & II; PhD candidates in EHS only take PEH I.

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