New Orleans 'swept back to Stone Age' By Catherine Elsworth in La Place (Filed: 31/08/2005) The
people of New Orleans were warned last night that the destructive fury of
Hurricane Katrina and its terrifying aftermath could change their city for
ever. Katrina tore through
the area, submerging entire neighbourhoods and leaving many dead. And yet,
ominously, every hour that passed suggested that the worst was yet to come.  | Extensive flooding has wrecked infrastructure that will leave New Orleans uninhabitable for months |
city's infrastructure - its power, water supplies and sewage - have been
almost totally wrecked. The area will be uninhabitable for months. Emergency
services were in "search-and-rescue" mode, appealing for anybody with flat-bottomed
boats to pluck to safety the hundreds of residents still clinging to the
roofs of their flooded homes. Some waited more than
24 hours for help. The only radio station still broadcasting in the city
urged those trapped to "make a sign, wave sheets, holler and scream". Lois
Rice, a paraplegic trapped in her home, floated up to the attic on an inflated
air mattress, screaming for help. The police sliced a hole in her roof with
a chainsaw to rescue her. In Metairie in western New
Orleans, fleets of National Guard and Coastguard helicopters shuttled rescued
residents to dozens of ambulances. Pale, soaked and wearing dirty nightclothes,
they limped to wheelchairs or were carried to paramedics who took them out
of the city. The Phillips family were pulled from their rooftop by a Coastguard
helicopter. "We were sitting in the attic for a day-and-a-half,"
said an exhausted Jeanette Phillips as she stumbled towards the ambulances
with her husband, Clarence, their son and her father. "We had to bust a hole
in the roof to get out," Mr Phillips said. "It looked real bad, there was
eight or nine foot of water and lots more people stranded." The
storm destroyed two of the protective levees surrounding the city, which
is largely below sea level. The breach immediately allowed the Mississippi
on one side and Lake Pontchartrain on the other, to pour in. The
suburb of Plaquemine, was said to have been "reclaimed by the Mississippi".
The Sheriff of Plaquemine, said it was as if "the Gulf of Mexico had moved
40 miles inland". "We're going to be living in the Stone
Age for a while after this," commented Doug Merrill, a Gulfport detective.
"There are parts of our city that just aren't there any more." The
brutal force ripped part of the metal from the roof of the city's major shelter,
the Superdome, where up to 10,000 people sought refuge and continued to arrive
yesterday. Anyone who had stayed in the city was urged to leave. "On
the I-10 interstate freeway approaching New Orleans, trees in the surrounding
wooded swamplands were smashed and street lamps, electricity poles and metal
road signs snapped like twigs. Abandoned cars littered the sides of the road. At
a garage in Sorrento, dishevelled and exhausted evacuees stocked up on snack
food and water, trying to make contact with relatives on scarcely working
mobile phones and land lines. Between them, children ran about barefoot in
their nightclothes. They swapped snatched titbits of
information about the state of the city, trying to separate rumour from fact.
"I can't believe this has happened to New Orleans," one man said. "They say
all of the levees are gone. Who knows when we'll ever get home." Another
woman was panicking about her daughter and granddaughter. "I don't know where
they are," she said. "The last I heard they were heading for a hotel in Biloxi." Radio
reporters broadcasting from within New Orleans likened it to a war zone.
"I'm staring at utility poles snapped like crayons," said one. "It is going
to take us years to grasp the magnitude of what has happened and begin to
recover." Like most of the 850 or so refugees camping out in one Red Cross emergency shelter, Myriam Lopez was in the dark. The
34-year-old New Orleans resident had frantically gathered together her brothers
and sisters, nieces and nephews, thrown some belongings into her car and
driven through the night with her husband to escape the looming destruction
of Katrina. But her mother had refused to come. "I said
to her, 'What happens if you can't get out?'" Mrs Lopez recalled. "She said,
I've got some steps ready in case the water comes along, I'll climb up on
to the roof. We've no idea if she's okay."

Previous story: Katrina's tide of destruction
Next story: This is our tsunami, says shocked mayor
