Ocklawaha watershed Map, green areas.
Rodman Dam looking Southwest from east to west; north is to the top, east is to the right. |
Map of the Basin.
What is there now? | What would restoration be like? |
Stumps and standing trees are forest remnants
A diverse flood pain hardwood forest
Rodman Dam floods 9000 acres
Inaccessible from the St. Johns River
What is there now? | What could be there? |
mouth Bass
Large mouth Bass |
Striped Bass |
Atlantic Shad |
American Eel |
Bluenose Shniner |
What species are found on the natural part of the river?
Winter birds
Spring and Summer
Mixed marsh and hardwood swamp birds
Birds benfiting from restoration
Stages in the restoration:
What we have lost. |
What has been regained. |