Science and Policy in the Atomic Age
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Since Darwin, no other discoveries in the physical world have so intrigued and alarmed people than the discovery and uses of atomic power. This course is an inquiry into the current knowledge of genetics, radiation and ecology as these fields of learning have redefined the human condition in the natural world. As a writing reinforcement course that fulfills general education objectives, the class requires that you write frequently in a series of formal and informal assignments to improve your expression, focus your thoughts and attribute convincing information to enhance your arguments.
Students are expected to engage in formal and informal dialogue in order to improve their writing, use writing to persuade the public to act and to assist community based service providers in the environmental field with a values based project that informs people in part through wrting. Participants will explore how scientific information is conveyed to the public in order to improve the popular comprehension of three critical concerns.
These significant matters of public concern involving scientific information are the loss of biological diversity, the overconsumption of nonrenewable resources, and the threat of global warming. By researching solutions to these widespread problems participants are asked to ecologically solve problems. The goal is to promote science literacy among members of the community so that they may become actively engaged in solving global ecological problems locally with implements available to the community.