
International history

(external events)

1558 Fall of Calais from England to France
1560 Tycho Brahe begins observations of an eclipse
1561 Fallopius published his Observations on Anatomy
1562 Akbar the Mogul Emperor of India
1563 Cathedral built in Mexico City
1566 Netherland's revolts against Spain & the Inquisition
1569 Mercator's Projection of the map of the world
1572 Catherine de' Medici assists in Protestant massacre
1578 Sir Francis Drake in California
1582 Hakluyt's Voyages published about the world
1587 Beheading of Mary, Queen of Scots
1593 Portuguese & Dutch colonize Africa
1602 Dutch East India Co. established
1607 Jamestown, Virginia founded
1628 New Amsterdam (York) founded by the Dutch
1648 Treaty of Peace of Westphalia ends the 30 Years War
1680s Locke assists in the founding of the Carolina colony
1688 "Glorious Revolution" William & Mary's reign

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