International Relations Senior Seminar
Book Review
This is a book review assignment of 750-1000 words
-- and no more. Your task is to
construct an argument around some aspect of one of the four optional books. Your review should explain the thesis and
general outline of the work, but the real thrust of the assignment is your
analysis/critique. It might be useful for you
to also reference an idea articulated in another reading from our course or
other courses at Rollins. Here’s a
of a book review for your reference.
Grades will be based upon content, structure, and
creativity. The A review meets all four
criteria below, the B review three, etc.
These criteria are:
Highlights an effective
thesis statement.
Supports critical
contentions with adequate evidence and specific examples.
Shows imagination and
creativity in individual insights.
Is well-organized,
stylistically effective, and mechanically sound (see Strunk
and White’s The Elements of Style).