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Gunter, Michael M. Jr. and Brown, Shannon. “Producing for the Future: Alternative Energy Policy in Saudi Arabia and the United Arab Emirates,” Journal of South Asian and Middle Eastern Studies, vol. XXXIV, No.2 (February 2011), pp.1-31.
Gunter, Michael M. Jr. “Lessons from a Dominican Republic Field Study,” Journal of College Teaching & Learning, vol. 7:7 (July 2010), pp.15-24.
Gunter, Michael M. Jr. “Teaching with Case Studies: Bringing Practical Relevance to Political Theories,” Chapter 2 in Teaching Theory and Academic Writing: A Guide to Undergraduate Lecturing in Political Science, Kinga Kas and Malte Brosig (eds.), vol. 4, Budrich Uni Press, 2008, pp.15-20.
Gunter, Michael M. Jr. “Bridging the Domestic-International Divide: The Interdependent Nature of Biodiversity Protection,” The Michigan Journal of Political Science, issue 26 (Winter 1999), pp. 113-134.
“US Policy,” Encyclopedia of Global Warming and Climate Change, (2nd. Edition) vol. 3, London: Sage Publications, forthcoming.
“Ecotourism.” Howard Schiffman (ed.) Green Issues and Debates: An A to Z Guide. (from Green Society: Toward a Sustainable Future, Volume XII, Paul Robbins, Series Editor), Sage Reference, May 2011 online, June 2011 print.
“Earth First!” Wehr, Kevin (ed.) Green Culture: An A to Z Guide. (from Green Society: Toward a Sustainable Future, Volume XI, Paul Robbins, Series Editor,) Sage Reference, May 2011 online, June 2011 print.
“National Wildlife Federation,” Green Education: An A to Z Guide, Julie Newman (ed.) (from Green Society: Toward a Sustainable Future, Volume VII, Paul Robbins, Series Editor), Sage Reference, May 2011 online, June 2011 print.
“Federalism,” Green Politics: An A to Z Guide, Dustin Mulvaney (ed.), (from Green Society: Toward a Sustainable Future, Volume II, Paul Robbins, Series Editor) Sage Reference, May 2010 online, June 2011 print.
“International Whaling Commission,” Green Politics: An A to Z Guide, Dustin Mulyaney (ed.), (from Green Society: Toward a Sustainable Future, Volume II, Paul Robbins, Series Editor) Sage Reference, May 2010 online, June 2011 print.
Callicott, J. Baird and Robert Frodeman (eds.) “Defenders of Wildlife,” Encyclopedia of Environmental Ethics and Philosophy, vol. 1, Farmington Hills, MI: Macmillan Reference, 2008, pp.211-213.
Callicott, J. Baird and Robert Frodeman (eds.) “Nongovernmental Organizations,” Encyclopedia of Environmental Ethics and Philosophy, vol. 2, Farmington Hills, MI: Macmillan Reference, 2008, pp.95-99.
“US Policy,” Encyclopedia of Global Warming and Climate Change, vol. 3, London: Sage Publications, 2008, pp. 804-809.
“Biodiversity Conservation,” Encyclopedia of the Developing World, 3 vols., Thomas Leonard (ed.), New York: Routledge, 2006, pp.177-179.
“Sustainable Development,” Encyclopedia of the Developing World, 3 vols., Thomas Leonard (ed.), New York: Routledge, 2006 pp.1509-1512.
“U.S. is behind the curve,” (South Florida) Sun-Sentinel, February 28, 2005, p.25A.
Gunter, Michael M. Jr. “Landing the Big One: A Junior Professor’s Take on the Job Interview,” STEP Ahead (Newsletter of Science, Technology and Environmental Policy Section of American Political Science Association), vol. 2:2 (Fall 2004), pp. 6-8.
Rev. of The Governance of Climate Change: Science, Economics, Politics and Ethics, edited by David Held, Angus Hervey and Marika Theros, International Affairs, forthcoming Sept. 2011.
Rev. of Climate Capitalism: Capitalism in the Age of Climate Change, by L. Hunter Lovins and Boyd Cohen, Global Governance: A Review of Multilateralism and International Organizations, forthcoming 2011.
Rev. of Winds of Change: The Environmental Movement and the Global Development of the Wind Energy Industry, by Ion Bogdan Vasi (Oxford 2011), Global Environmental Politics, forthcoming Aug. or Nov. 2011.
Rev. of A World of Rivers – Environmental Change on Ten of the World's Great Rivers, by Ellen Wohl, Biological Conservation, forthcoming 2011.
“Rev. of Policy that Works for Forests and People: Real Prospects for Governance & Livelihoods, by James Mayers & Stephen Bass, Journal of International Wildlife Law and Policy, vol. 9:4 (Oct.-Dec. 2006), pp.351-353.
“Rev. of Global Spin: The Corporate Assault on Environmentalism, by Sharon Beder.” Organization and Environment, vol. 16:3 (Sept. 2003), pp. 401-404.
“Rev. of Listening to the Sea: The Politics of Improving Environmental Protection, by Robert Jay Wilder.” Politics and the Life Sciences, vol. 20:2 (Sept. 2001), pp.240-242.
“Rev. of Third World Environmentalism: Case Studies from the Global South, by N. Patrick Peritore.” Politics and the Life Sciences, vol.20:1 (March 2001), pp. 93-94.
“Rev. of The Global Environment: Institutions, Law and Policy, by Norman J. Vig and Regina S. Axelrod (eds.).” Politics and the Life Sciences, vol. 19:1 (March 2000), pp. 129-131.
“Rev. of The Forgiving Air, by Richard Somerville.” Politics and the Life Sciences, vol. 18:2 (Sept. 1999), pp. 356-358.
“Rev. of The Global Politics of the Environment, by Lorraine Elliott; and Ecological Policy and Politics in Developing Countries: Economic Growth, Democracy, and Environment, by Uday Desai (ed.).” The Journal of Politics, vol. 61:2 (May 1999), pp.601-603.
“Rev. of Environmental Politics: Domestic and Global Dimensions, by Jacqueline Switzer with Gary Bryner.” Politics and the Life Sciences, vol. 18:1 (March 1999), pp. 138-140.
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Triglavski Narodni Park, Slovenija
Vysoke Tatry/High Tatras National Park
UNESCO Home Page
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