8 1 ~ 3 9 9
1 "Did you see what they're building down there?" Russ asks saying hello from his new van
2 Kayaks unloaded Bill waits on the bulwark nautical map spread wide a new channel to find Chub Slough
3 five hops up the boat-ramp ~ brown head high ~ a grackle from across the Lower Wekiva makes her landing Katie's
4 moments of river rainbows of flowing floating together
5 long stretching young doe at water's edge ~ necks down and tugs up on fresh greens without minding
58 red wings in the rushes and grackles by the dozensat every angle and pitch |
57 at the first mooring a jetski idle under tarp ~ its nightmare: a giant cypress just below the face of dancing mirrors
6 face into those thousand palm-Sunday fronds the arches and the lilts glances of glee running up each shaft
56 a single wild turkey pecks among the roots in the hydric hammock ~~ someone's lot i suppose ~ next to the first house
7 irridescence at both ends ~ bluette my damselfly ~ alights gently just hitching a ride on my knuckle
8 float (click) without motion to the curlew toeing the mud a sudden whumpy lift (click) ~ bold the blur of white red-orange ahead and orange aft
55 great blue tight behind a bank of spadderdock ~ white-feathered throat-pouch throttling in the late sunlight all the time we pass
9 up- streaming school of six-inch silvers ~ only one has a triangle of fire for tail
10 around the bend of sight a large commotion of black feathers at the scene ~ ~ ~ one primary a footlong black kayak with thin white shutters
54 bullet-formed little blue or green speeds downstream flying without wings
11 look down straight ~ large fat- faced fish ~ head from an owl ~ gliding in silence over sandbeds
53 a- head a hundred yards upstream ~ the double knobbed snout with a fifteen-foot trail draws a line thin
12 high banks of brush ~ swamp palms fronting tall stands of riverine roses ~~ waiting for the star rush to bloom
13 a young tree just split at the knees still ~ never quite lost touch the toppled trunk lies not balanced across a narrow point ~ ~ a top- heavy T
14 behind a bend ~ without a notice ~ a large black- bird repeatedly pounds a root with a white object the size of my thumb- top
52 five and forty skimmers spreading out from bow to summer in all directions of light |
15 GATE "Beauty is momentary in the mind…in the flesh it is immortal"
Wallace Stevens
16 no fish beclawed silent and sleek as an owl ~ a black soft- ness moves ahead of us a white underbelly and striped face ~ down winging the river
51 along the bottom a four-pound turtle emerges downstream from the bed of a stingaree Bill pursues
17 sneaking up on a sleeping gator ~ six feet of leather ridges ~ Bill readies my under- water camera
18 sing the purple-red anthers of three string lilies beside a young hickory be- daubed in lichen
50 in my right ear a distant pileated calls down the day's end
19 without a rattle in long sweeping slights the kingfisher swoops out at the right ~ out of sight yielding perch
49 at a rest stop ~ large green leaves sun- bathing ~ casual reflections of river turning solar yellow |
20 far back left ~ in a sun- patch clearing scarlet hibiscus ~ a bloom not alone but single taller than all the understory
48 GATE we talk of twin mounds other mortalities banning evolution Pat and Jean river as spirit
21 we stop ashore amid squawks from black vultures ~ in the trees across ~ they drop down from branch to branch
22 walking only on roots every step it seems a purple spiral uplifting a pickerel- weed
23 campin out on the high bend above Blackwater a young couple has brought fire to the river and cooks
47 in a log lying flat over water and under ~ a hollow the shape of a football once an arm-socket ~ now a well-of-plenty |
24 baby gator head ~ frog-sized moves slowly out of shore- muck ~ back feet churn- ing like a duck no tail
46 to the east Buddha Thor grumbles and growls in the joys of his airborne river above
25 boy-again Bill ~ papparazzi paddling into the brush wary gatorling pinned a moment ~ by a Rascal kayak
26 GATE "the joy of all the beings is in be- ing"
gary snyder
45 wide banks of dollarweed and spadderdock jostling for sunbright in a snake of wavelets
27 after patches of breeze ~ the cool of shade ~ then ofa sudden a heavy sauna sweat
28 giving himself away with a loud raucous calling ~ deep in the brush ~ a solitary limpkin
29 at the point of return of an offstream jaunt the raucous per- fume of the dead end swamp
30 below the en- trance of Blackwater Creek schools of mullet cross sand patches in a tea-brown world
44 three retired couples lunching under a red roof pontoons slurping natives not quite
31 we land for lunch ~ Bill finds an e mpty apple snaillight as a limpkin feather it curls ~ filling my fingers browns and blacks like muck
32 a second snail a perfect shirt button tightly spiraled in a hundred cells ~ many now transparent
43 up- ended wider than high a wall of oak-roots unsoiled like a cancanner's skirt showing river rump
33 grand cypresses in the making ~ eight inches out of root-muck ~ already stronger than fire a pair of pumps
34 as from a high platform a startling bellywhopper down- stream ~ ~ ~ a long wake sinks ten strokes ~ we both hear heavy breathing in the brush ~ ~ huntthe woods for bear guess not
35 a pair of fishers just talkin to us ~ "Not much. Jus throwin em back, ya know." bright wishes no regrets
42 catching a Lower Wekiva rhythm ~ a single snag ~ bops up and down miming a wooden arm incessantly
41 leaving the slough a giant blue startles up in slow motion to the river she takes the highest possible opposite perch
36 looking up Chub Slough a narrow meander along and between banks of watercress and other graces ~ a sculptured riverscape
40 looking straight into a long hollow log-face ~ cradle for a bromeliad spray as big as my basketball
37 GATE the strong the weak the grave the free the electric a string
38 palm tree snag blocking our way one small arch in the bridge i stretch arms and head low ~ out over the bow a gritty bark scrapes my back and neck raw |
39 easing out of Chub a dozen eely gars gambol and wrestle twitching in combos in a black-brown soup