There is an evolution of time from the beginning to the present which follows the Universe Story in six stages:
- In the first few seconds, nothing but photons operating at the speed of light, we have a space-time continuum which is non-time. Fraser calls this the ATEMPORAL phase.
- After a few minutes of cosmic development, expansion produces the lightest elements where quantum physical laws operate; we are in the PROTOTEMPORAL phase.
- A million years or so and real-time physics begins to form galaxies and solar systems operating by Newtonian laws over great periods, the EOTEMPORAL period.
- On earth we follow now the first organisms by evolution with punctuated equilibrium moving toward species evolution and ecosystems in a BIOTEMPORAL mode.
- With the onset of human development, especially language and then alphabet, we enter history, our own time construct, called the NOOTEMPORAL phase, with considerations of past, present, and future mixing in the human mind (Greek nous).
- Looking ahead, but not far, Fraser also imagined the global village which the internet and telemedia might create as a new phase he defined as SOCIOTEMPORAL.