Diaz was dictator for 30 years

1910 urban & rural revolts Pancho Villa in Chihuahua, Maliero came to power
1911 tried to disarm the army & agrarian reform stalled
1913 Maliero was killed by Huerta
1914 Huerta took charge without support of Caranza -- as the main general & Villa the main rebel or with Zapata.
Wilson dispatched the Fleet to Tampico
Caranza, Villa & Zapata oust Huerta
Villa & Zapata later break with Caranza & fight against him & Obregon
1915 Obregon defeats Villa in the north & Zapata (south)
USA backs and recognizes the Caranza regime
1916 Pancho Villa incursion into Texas & New Mexico
1917 Caranza tries unity through writing a constitution.
1918 nationalization of oil & gas holdings in Mexico
1919 Treaty of Versailles ended WWI
1925 USA troops sent to quell strikes in Panama
1927 Dwight Morrow becomes US ambassador to
1932 Occupation of Manchuria by Japan
1934 "Good Neighbor" Policy no armed intervention in
the affairs of member nations {OAS}.
1935 Rural electrification adm. USA
1938 House "Unamerican Activities Committee" est.
1946 Atomic Energy Commission founded
1948 The Organization of American States OAS founded
under UN to promote hemispheric unity,
development, and peace.
1954 Brown V. Board of Education
1955 Montgomery Bus boycott
1956 Fidel Castro launches the Cuban Revolution
1957 Little Rock, Arkansas high school race incident
1959 Fidel Castro replaces Battista government in Cuba
1960 U-2 spy flight shot down
1961 guest worker program est. with Mexico
1962 Cuban Missile Crisis
1964 USA Civil Rights Act
1965 USA Voting Rights Act
1968 Tet Offensive in Viet-Nam
Mexican student uprising & Olympics
1974 Fall of Saigon to North Vietnamese
1982 US "war on drugs" in Mexico, Peru, & Columbia
1989 US invasion of Panama, ousting Noriega
1990 collapse of the USSR; end of Cuban support
1991 discontent in Chiappas
1992 NAFTA, North American Free Trade Agreement
1993 growing challenges to the PRI
1994 collapse of the Mexican economy & devaluation

