mapChinese populations have changed dramatically over time.

diagram | data chart | map

Density in 2000 CE.


Shanghai, Wuhan, Chongqing and Xian are noted by red-dense patterns of population on the map.

Data sheet.

entry #    

Chinese Population from

100 BCE to 2000 CE

  Year population CHANGE % North Cent-south Notes Dynasty
1 -100 57   Hwang-Ho Yangtze Early Han
2 220 57 0 Late Han
3 600 45 -12 -21% 35 10 Sui
4 750 45 0 0% 25 20 T'ang
5 1080 78 33 73% 33 45 N. Sung
6 1200 100 22 28% 45 65 S. Sung
7 1250 110 10 10% Chin
8 1350 60 -50 -45% Yuan Mongol
9 1450 100 40 67% Ming
10 1550 125 25 25%
11 1650 95 -30 -24% Ch'ing
12 1740 200 105 111%
13 1800 300 100 50%
14 1875 420 120 40%
15 1969 740 320 76% People's Rep
16 2005 1304 564 76% 1.6 TFR
17 2011 1339 35      
18 2025 1476 172 13% estimated





The Long Road to over a billion people; one sixth of the Earth's people, a diagram:

China's population

China's many recovery's and subsequent rise to power.

chinese map

diagram | data chart | map

China technological origins | Technology | Ancient Science
