The Eleven most populated nations are:
Rank | region | density | Population | Country | percent | ![]() |
1 | Asia | 141 | 1,350 | 19.1% | ||||||||
2 | Asia | 383 | 1,260 | 17.8% | ||||||||
3 | America | 33 | 314 |
4.4% | |||||||
4 | Asia | 127 | 241 |
3.4% | |||||||
5 | America | 23 | 194 |
3.4% | |||||||
6 | Asia | 227 | 180 |
2.5% | |||||||
7 | Africa | 184 | 170 |
2.4% | |||||||
8 | Asia | 1,062 | 153 |
2.2% | |||||||
9 | Eurasia | 8 | 143 |
2.0% | |||||||
10 | Asia | 338 | 128 |
1.8% | |||||||
11 | America | 59 | 116 |
1.6% | A pie chart of these 11 most populous nation-states. |
Sum: | 4,249 |
million |
Percent of the whole world: | 60% | |||||||||||
Global population total | 7,063 | 1/28/12 | |||||||||| | ||||||||||||
Asia | 3,312 | 47% | One in two people or more are Asians | |||||||||
America | 624 | 9% | One in ten people or more are in the Americas |
World Population data sheet: PRB
E-book Population & Environment table of contents.
The world's biggest nations in land area | limits to population | Population wiki | Gender | Global challenges