7       Ups and downs of Population




ÒHuman population growth has been so prodigious in recent centuries that it has also become a major driver of environmental deterioration, in the extent of pollution, consumption of natural resources, and destruction of habitats needed by other species.Ó

p. 140



            Òthe elephant in the living roomÓ is the matter of population size

ÒPopulation genetics is concerned with changes through time in the composition of gene pools (all the genetic information possessed by a population), É; population dynamics or demographics É is about changes to the numbers of individuals and in the forces that produce these changes in a given population.Ó (140)

            Òan input-output system.Ó – see formulas { 141

.             Butterfly dynamics–checkerspot butterfly life cycles { 141

.    Human dynamics – 6.859 billion people July Ô10 { 142

.           Family Planning { 144

.        Curbing the population explosion { 146

.              The arithmetic of population growth { 149

.           Population pyramids { 151-52

.   Population momentum { 153

.        Aging populations { 155




Demography: fertility, mortality N>, rule of 70, doubling time, Fibonacci sequence, Infant death, contraception, migration, Malthusian dilemma,    exponential versus arithmetic growth, inverse square law, correlation.


Population distribution, graphs




Population                            N – M + (Em ±  Im) = P


                        Fertility minus mortally (plus or minus migration) equals population


Impact                                   I = P * A * T

                        Impact is equal to Population times Affluence time Technical capacity


Population History


French population change 1901-2001


Doubling time

The rule of 70

                                               % / 70 = TD


                                    percent Ö 70 equals doubling time [TD]


The percentage of change divided by seventy (or seventy-two) is the time it takes for a quantity to double [TD].




Ò . . . the problems that continued rapid global population growth is now bringing to the planet, that, in the view of the vast majority of knowledgeable scientists is already overpopulated.Ó

p. 157


US Bureau of the Census on line


The Encyclopedia of Earth




Population dynamics is the key to understanding the human reality of birth, death and migration as it impacts any region.




Understanding aggregate behavior of large numbers allows us to put cases of individuals and regional impacts into a more understandable perspective.


These are all linked with the Golden ratio through the Fibonacci sequence, which is given by


Four sequences
The differences among arithmetic, fibonacci, & exponential growth patterns.
A one two three four five six seven eight nine ten eleven twelve
F 1 1 2 3 5 8 13 21 34 55 89 144


2   4 8 16 32 64 128 256 512 1024 2048
difference 0 1 2 5 11 24 51          

U. S. Population

World Population


Additional material

Merchant | Worster | Cronin | Reisner | Jackson | Siry | Leopold | Diamond | Williams | Austin | Mumford | Marx

