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Parthenon Metope & Triglyphsmetope


any of the spaces between the triglyphs [ A ] in a Doric frieze, or the (architectural term) facade where the entablature [ A and B ] rests on top of the capitals of the columns.

In this diagram, A) is the triglyph and B) is the metope.

From meta, meaning next or between and ope, meaning opening. The idea of next, meaning after, ends up in the word, metaphysics.

metope [B]




(pre-12th century) great or much (adverb) from Middle and Old English, micel- more.

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(Italian): niccio, from the concave-convex opening in scallop or mussel shell, an empty shell.

(pre-10th century) vacant cleft in a wall, a recessed part of a wall used by the Romans to place votive figures, hence an enclosure, usually recessed into the facade of a wall.

The functional role played by any organism in a larger setting.

Technically speaking (20th century biology)
the amount of energy converted over time in particular places or ranges by the living creatures that are genetically capable of remaining alive in an area.

Thus the spot taken by a creature in a larger setting, is what is meant by niche. Some writers like Ernst Mayr suggest there is a genetic --hence phenotypic character of how organisms adapt to exploit a niche effectively.


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ORIGIN: (Russian) combining propaganda and agitation

A convincing perspective on society, economics and politics conveyed by imagery, sounds and spectacle to play deliberately on the feelings and emotions that may inform, distort, or misinform the reader, listener, or participants.

(1935) political propaganda spread largely in works of literature, drama, music, or art.


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ORIGIN, (Latin) meaning craft; about 1611 having or showing shrewdness.


Showing a rare perception or combination of intellectual and developmental skills with respect to learning. Being "on point," by making an uncommonly accurate, yet appropriate statement with regard to a subject, problem or argument.


ORIGIN: (old Latin); to carouse together, "with life," lively; convivium is a feast

concerning festive activity, fond of good company, jovial.

An adjective that is applied to something that promotes a festive or beneficent mood or feeling, anything that genuinely brings good fortune or benign festivity.

Not harmful, addictive, indulgent or inducing a stupor.

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ORIGIN (Latin) (EVOLVERE, evolutus )

unrolling or unfolding, becoming.

to come forth or to emerge, to gradually come into view, contained within and, thus, latent in the potential of a thing, come into being, unfold from, to disclose, to develop.

Specifically in biology, originally: development from a rudimentary form into a mature or more complete state. Today, the fact of the descent of all existing beings from a few simple forms of life or from a single common ancestor.

Technically: the common descent of all life due to the variability of genetic inheritance (genotype) and the actions of either natural selection, sexual selection, genetic drift, or artificial selection, and isolation over time. The accumulating changes without respect to an improvement or progression in form or function of the many different descendents of a common ancestor.



ORIGIN mid 16th cent. (originally in the phrases dominum (or magister) factotum, translating roughly as [master of everything,] able to do very, many things.
 Johannes factotem [John do-it-all] or [Jack of all trades] ): from medieval Latin, from Latin fac! ‘do!’
(imperative of facere) + totum ‘the whole thing’ (neuter of totus).

an employee who does all kinds of work : he was employed as the general factotum.

"back then, these wealthy college men made sure their personal factotums were just a whistle away." handyman, jack of all trades; assistant, man Friday, gal or girl Friday; gofer; informally: Mr. or Ms. Fix-It.

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ORIGIN (old high German) (13th century)

having a fine edge or point, as in sharp; or showing a quick ardent responsiveness, characteristic of a quick penetrating mind.



Origin c.1300 (implied in pertly),

"evident, unconcealed," aphetic form of apert "open, frank," from O.Fr. apert, from L. apertus, pp. of aperire "to open" (see overt).

In the sense of "saucy, bold" first recorded c.1386.

Less pejorative meaning "lively, brisk, in good spirits" (c.1500) survives in U.S. dial. peart (with M.E. alternate spelling).

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ORIGIN (French from middle Latin, to prefer)

(1742) an established preference for something. An attitude of mind that predisposes one to favor something, a bias based on temperament or experience. Precluding objective judgment.




ORIGIN (French) problematique

difficult to resolve

Having the characteristics of an insurmountable difficulty, a persistently hard to deal with matter, as yet to be determined, unsettled, still uncertain.

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to lie on one's face, face down, prostrate, back exposed, a native bent or disposition, inclined to do, predisposed to something.



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Origin: Latin from proprius "own" or self + receptive

relating to internal stimulus of an organism's body especially with relation to position, balance; providing a "sense" of the internal conditions of the body parts in relation to one another and the requisite effort needed to change those positions.



Origin Latin from solus, "alone" + or self receptive

the view or theory that the self is all that can be known to exist.




"neat, clean, trim," 1776, Scottish, of unknown origin.

"valuables collected from drains," 1852, London slang, of unknown origin.

meaningless balderdash, the unimportance is unsurpassed, rubbish, foolishness, foolish nonsense.



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