The syllabus
A cover to the syllabus is -- a guide among six others.
env260_AEHistory.html is a brief description of the required activities.
A list of the art used im the class is at:
- American landscape artists featured is -- Amer-Landsc-Artists.html
- Images used can be found at: AmerEbHist_Images.html
- Also used are contrasts of photographs and painyings:
- generally used is American scenery;
- This selection is specifically focused on the 19th Century.
an example is: Saranac Lake, in the Adirondack mountains s of New Your State
- weekly index is -env280.html that covers details of the topics discussed over the length of the term.
- A guide to the test is -- EcoHist_Exam-guide.html
- Maps used are -
The Americas as they were imagined based on discoveries in 1590s when England became serious about populating the places Spain had settled.
The single most important image in our national history with respect to land is this grid pattern:
Can you determine why that is from the following sites?