"Nature's Geometry"    
"Nature's Geometries reflect and enhance underlying processes."


"Paul Mankiewitz discusses the ability of the fractal root systems of plants to purify water."

p. 38


In contrast, ecological wastewater treatment systems facilitate rich chemical exchanges on the surfaces of the roots. The roots actively order the flow of chemical energy, facilitating the work of microorganisms that inhabit them."

p. 39


"Nature's Geometry is an important organizing principle for ecological design. It determines the context for design –the intentional shaping of materials– , whether at the scale of a root system or an entire watershed."


"Over a century ago, Major John Wesley Powell, head of the U. S. Geological Survey, explicitly recognized this organizing principle in his suggestion to settle the arid West in a way that matched land allocations to the availability of water."

"Natural geographical and topographical unities" from the land and watershed.

Such as a 70 acre marsh in San Francisco Bay

p. 39.

Ecological design for the Napa - Sonoma Marsh restoration Marsh
Engineers "have been able to partially restore the original fit between the geometry of the marsh's drainage fingers and the character of the tidal flux. The new system is working well, an the marsh not only is mosquito free but also is attracting shorebirds previously unknown at the site."
  pp. 39-41.

"By matching the flows on a landscape to its inherent geometry, we allow ecological patterns to work for us. We can use natural drainage instead of storm drains, wetlands in stead of sewage treatment plants, . . . We can work for a steady convergence of dwelling, design, and the geometry of place."

p. 44.

Sim Van der Ryn,Ecological Design.

Sim Van der Ryn Web site.

Plant and root fungus symbiosis

mychorrhiza Mycorrhizae are fungi that establish a graceful, symbiotic relationship with the roots of most plants. They invade the roots of vegetables, flowers, shrubs, and trees; connect them, one to the other; and then send out their filaments, called hyphae, as much as 200 times farther into the soil than the roots they colonize. Mycorrhiza has the ability to better mine this wider area for water and nutrients, especially phosphorus, which it transmits back to the roots. The plant pays for this service with the glucose the fungus needs.
This extended feeding area makes mycorrhizae associated plants just plain healthier. They have better root formation as well as fewer root diseases and other soil pest problems. They also require less moisture and fertilizer, while showing an increased tolerance to salt.

Vancouver Island Big Trees

In the above sequence, what two numbers will come after 13?


Beauty’s geometry is defined by how well a structure reflects the underlying integrity of the constituent elements of its form.


Environmental science.

Mead Botanical Garden.


Water Resources Archives at U.C. Riverside, sediment accumulation studies by Hans Albert Einstein (son)


Multiple bends in the bed of the Rearl River.

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