What evidence did you find in your interviews for a complex understanding of organizational and behavioral responses to technology?
A dialogue is more than the sum of what its participants say.
Pursell argues that tools and the technology they combine to create have meaning we can discover by analyzing their influence.
The dialogue that is necessary to alter the way we use tools is or is not a clue to our skills, values and organizational dictates? To what extent do the technologies we can access shape our identity?
Answer the above questions.
Postman -- unlike Pacey, argues that the cultural and organizational consequences of tool use and accounts for the rapid spread of tool complexes.
Technology as a means of shaping and predicting social organization - unless myths get in the way.
Pacey insists that there is an inherent link among materials, social responses to their manufacture and use, and the cultural imagination of those civilizations who accept technical changes that relates to power, prestige and dominance. Guns, weaving and printing brought an end to Medieval world of prestige based on land, chivalry, and feudalism.
Faust story
Inventions such as the clock or the telescope and subsequent regulations reveal the meaning a tool's power.
Spread of both technical and organizational features --the materials and means-- lead to new opportunities.
Out of the hand-craft tradition emerged a facility with using machines; thus machinery spread.
This movement of technology from one civilization to another -- both agree-- is of overriding importance to understand where we are today.
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