

Evelyn F. Keller, The Century of the Gene, 2000.


The life of a powerful word



1900       de Vries




Independently, all of them ÔrediscoveredÕ MendelÕs work on the inheritance of peas


1906       ÔgeneticsÕ was coined as a term as Òa new and well developed branch of physiologyÓ


1909 Òthe term gene came along three years later, introduced by Wilhelm Johannsen.Ó


Òfree of the taint of preformationism" – such as DarwinÕs gemmules


WeismannÕs (chromosome discoverer) determinants


Òmany characteristics of the organism are specified in the gametes by means of special conditions, foundations, and determiners which are all present in unique, separate, and thereby independent ways–is short, precisely what we wish to call genes.Ó       

Keller. P. 2.


Òuseful as an expression of Ôunit factors.Õ ÔelementsÕ or allelomorphsÕ in the gametes, demonstrated by the modern Mendelian researchesÉas to the nature of the Ôgenes,Õ it is of yet no value to propose any hypothesis; but that the notion of the gene covers a reality is evident in Mendelism.Ó


1933              T. H. Morgan (fruit flies)

Òas to what genes are–whether they are real or purely fictitious.Ó


Ògenes had become incontrovertibly real.Ó


Òthe biological analogue of the molecules and atoms of physical science, endowed with the properties that would make it possible Ôto explain by their combinations the phenomena of the living world.ÕÓ

pp. 2-3


H. J. Muller

They were Òthe fundamental unit of heredityÓ and Òthe basis of life.Ó


The key to the textÕs purpose and schematice approach is page 3.  


ÒJust what sort of entity is a gene?


Perhaps it was some sort of chemical molecule, but of what sort?


ÒWhat is it made of, how big is it, and above all, from what comes its miraculous power to determine the properties of a developing organism and, at the same time, ensure the stability of those properties from one generation to another.Ó                  

p. 3



Avery, Macleod, and McCartyÕs identification of DNA – nucleic acid Òas the carrier of biological specificity in bacteria.Ó


Beadle and Tatum

"The one gene-to one enzyme hypothesisÓ of Beadle and Tatum


1953       Watson and Crick (Franklin and Wilkins) Òwhich convinced biologists not only that genes are real molecules but that they consisted of nothing more mysterious than deoxyÉÓ

Òbecame the foundational concept capable of unifying all of biology.Ó


Ònew era of analysis.Ó

p. 3.

The most dramatic advances in a century

p. 4


1970s recombinant DNA technology


1990s Human genome project


Òpromised to reveal the genetic blueprint that tells us who we are.Ó


Sequencing of bacteria, yeast and roundworm genomes preceded the HGP

p. 4


Ò2000 the genome of DrosphilaÓ sequenced

p. 5


Òmisguided and misleadingÓ?

Òthe ways in which t has transformed.Ó Our expectations.


ÒContrary to all expectations, instead of lending support to the familiar notions of genetic determinism that have acquired so powerful grip on the popular imagination, these successes pose critical challenges to such notions.Ó


Òin this new science of genomic, twentieth-century genetics has achieved its apotheosis. Yet its very successes that have so stirred our imaginations have also radically undermined their core driving concept, the concept of the gene.Ó

p. 5.

Òthe multitude of encoding regions in even a simple genome.Ó

p. 6.

ÒSpoke as if sequence information would, by itself. Provide all that was necessary for an understanding of biological function.Ó

p. 6

ÒInstead f a Rosetta Stone,Õ molecular geneticist—suggests that Ôit might be more appropriate to liken the human genome sequence to the Phaestos palaceÉby in large we are functional illiterates.Ó


Òfunctional genomics rather than structural genomics—is heard with growing frequency.


Òthe sequence isÓ rather as a tool

p. 7

ÒFor almost fifty years, we lulled ourselves into believing that that, in discovering the molecular basis of genetic information, we had found the Ôsecret of lifeÕ; we were confident that if we could only decode the message in DNAÕs sequence of nucleotides, we could understand the ÔprogramÕ that makes an organism what it is.Ó

p. 7.


Òhow large the gap between genetic ÔinformationÕ and biological meaning really is.Ó

p. 8

Òmarveling not at the simplicity of lifeÕs secrets  but at their complexity.Ó


ÒThese tools are themselves the direct product of the most recent advances in molecular genetics and genomics; yet at the same time, and in the most eloquent testimony to the prowess of science I can imagine, they have worked to erode many of the core assumptions on which these efforts were first premised.Ó

pp. 8-9.


ÒÓthe limitations of the most extreme forms of reductionismÓ

p. 9.


Òthe primacy of the gene as the core explanatory concept of biological structure and function isÓ eclipsed.

p. 9.


Shift in focus from the gene ÒTo genetic, epigenetic, and Ôpost-genomicÕ metabolic networks, and even to multiple systems of inheritance.Ó

p. 9.


Including Ònumerous elements defying classification in the traditional categories of animate and inanimate.Ó

p. 10.


Òdespite all its ambiguity, it has not yet outlived its usefulness.Ó

p. 10.

Exists as an Òoperational; shorthandÓ for identifying specific Òlevers or handlesÓ for effecting fundamental biological changes.


Òin marketing the products of a rapidly expanding biotech industry.Ó

p. 10.


Evelyn Fox Keller, The Century of the Gene, 2000.

Science: the microcosm



Editorial note


The architecture of Phaistos is more simplified compared with Knossos, and it is built in an orderly arrangement that refers to a single architect. The building outlines and the ground plan is easily deciphered by the visitor at first glance, however further examination reveals the complexity built into the site over hundreds of years of destruction and rebuilding cycles. The complex of architectural elements is a delightful amalgam of the old and new palace structures. During the rebuilding of the palace in 1700 BC several of the rooms from the old palace were retained in the new building, and archaeologists today have excavated several areas of the new palace to reveal the older structures below. The pavement of the west courtyard along with the few bottom steps of the converging staircases have been exposed during modern excavations, for they were buried one meter deep when the new palace was built.


More on Phaistos Palace, in Crete.




