Darwinism as a New Worldview
July, 1837, in Darwin's worldview
nature and human order were altered:
Static becomes dynamic: fixity of species was replaced
by horizontal and vertical differentiation of species.
Geologically "deep time" became critically necessary
of far-reaching scientific importance.
Population thinking replaced typology with respect
to taxonomy.
Humans placed "into the stream of animal evolution."
"Yet, the causes of evolution were a complete mystery to him." Ernst Mayr
What is a Darwinism?
What is revolutionary about these ideas?
Importance of individual arises from the fact that organisms
are the focus of selective pressure.
Malthus' ideas on differential potential between fertility
and resources was applied to selection.
Common descent leads to immense variation though horizontal
and vertical speciation.
Survival of the most fortunate, since chance or fortune drives
natural selection.