Assessing our successes and our failures.
Curiosity about our world instills in us desires to learn more and master some body of knowledge. This ultimately depends on being
capable of informing our selves.
The purpose of a liberal education is to promote "the cultivation of human powers,"
according to Donald Levine, former Dean of the College at the University of Chicago.
Because such a call to knowing ever more about a changing world condition requires that we collaborate, you and I are embarking on an adventure in finding out what you want to learn based on the skills you wish to practice and the knowledge you wish to acquire. Your intellectual growth is of utmost importance to me.
In order to see if your intentions and mine overlap to any constructive end, this survey below is a chance for use to begin a conversation about what we both need to know about one another and this course.
Welcome to an on-line goal assessment
exercise for the courses that I teach.
See the course syllabus for details unique to each course.
Do our learning styles differ? | my question to you | my goals | compare and contrast our goals | My mission is
your interests and goals
A User's Guide to discovering your identity, place, and relation to others, society, and nature. This is an inquiry about how we humans meet our basic needs for satisfying our curiosity, storytelling and bearing witness to events. |
DNA is a molecule that retains information.
Do our learning styles differ? | my question to you | my goals | compare and contrast our goals | My mission is
What is your learning style?
No two people learn the same
precise way, see styles of learning for more.
Do our learning styles differ? | my question to you | my goals | compare and contrast our goals | My mission is
After reading the syllabus
and the learning styles site please write to me about your intentions:
Please write a description of your goals (for this course) by answering the question:
by Dr. J. Siry
My intentions with respect to this class is that you are able to excel in the practice of inquiry and defending your own conceptual grasp of details without resorting to poor arguments.
To do this you should select passages to interpret verbally and in writing every day from the assigned readings. Make a list of evidence as you read that would support your interpretations of these significant passages. Then be capable of comparing and contrasting the meaning you derive from the arguments, interpretations and evidence for the passages you are accumulating.
Do our learning styles differ? | my question to you | my goals | compare and contrast our goals | My mission is
Class etiquette:
Do our learning styles differ? | my question to you | my goals | compare and contrast our goals | My mission is
What must I do to do well in this class?
[Schematic diagram quiz] [How we learn] [An Ecology of the mind] [Assessing how you learn]
1. Attendance
2. Texts
3. Assignments Press here for the value of each activity.
A project may be a useful exercise to someone else that connects your readings to the community through conducting interviews, drafting news releases, or constructing an on-line (WWW) resource, with adequate reflection from the class discussions and readings allowing others to better envision America's or Rollins ecological situation and role in the world.
Do our learning styles differ? | my question to you | my goals | compare and contrast our goals | My mission is