
A critical look at the territorial and resource claims of different political entities and how they decide to allocate scarce or abundant materials used by their respective residents and citizens.

Geopolitical refers to the geographical realities of locations, or the settings of places within and among countries with respect to bordering states combined with the politics involved in maintaining sovereignty over land, waters and resources adjacent to or beside, if not contiguous to, the boundaries of neighboring states.

How do we envision the world?

Critical geopolitics grew out of the 1890s cross-disciplinary body of knowledge defined by Swedish thinker, Rudolph Kjellen, as "the science which conceives of the state as a geographical organism or as a phenomenon in space." That is to say terrain or geophysical space with regional variations due to biogeographical realities.

Projection Equal Areas

Equal areas projection

"The invention of the term 'geopolitics' coincided with a certain modernist belief that it was possible to view the world in its totality." This was a conceptual breakthrough that conceived of the world as an object of study that was external to one's own culture.

Dodds, p. 31.

Customary or exaggerated projection

Geopolitics is important in environmental advocacy because:

Matching environmental matters with other globally pressing issues.

    1. Global security and environmental problems.
    2. Global ecological matters.
    3. Global ecology
    4. Global Warming and Climate chaos
    5. Global population
    6. Global issues
    7. Global images

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