8 History as Cultural Evolution
Ôthe forces that shape us are thus, in part, of our own making.Ó
p. 168.
Terms | Outline | Paradox | Maps | History | Summary
agriculture, technical capacity >, microevolutionary factors, faith, paradox, the long view (le longe duree) vs short-term vision, proximate, underlying, cause and effect, awareness, social tension, social drag & cultural lag, action, means and end, structural inertia, institutional impediments, purposeful life.
ÒOnly human beings have evolved a sense of history, and a sense that history matters.Ó
p. 158
Farming practices in Northern China generate these land-use patterns
Overview {158
Distinguishing similar and divergent cultural paths
i. Herodotus (485 – 425 BCE) history is a story of different ethnic enclaves in specific geographical settings
ii. China: continuity of Dynastic succession & change history is the account of the emperors accomplishments and the civil service's guide to understanding the will of heaven.
iii. Giambattista Vico and Johann Gustav von Herder
. Standards of history: cause and effect, consequences {163
. Impossibility to compare the results of historical sequences
. The Paradox of culture {168
Cultural continuity can be good but also lead to disaster {168
Cultural stickiness (lag or drag)
persistent reinforcement of actions, in spite of their consequences {168-170
Òfailure to change in response to an altered environmentÓ {170
paradox –
Òwhereas at other times cultural continuity can lead to disaster....One can see the paradox clearly in times of stress.Ó P. 168.
ÒConsideration of any significant aspect of history shows that numerous levels of analysis are usually necessary to get a reasonable grasp of causes and consequences.Ó
Òhow our non-genetic information has interacted with diverse social and biophysical environments to make us lords of Earth.Ó
P. 171.
"Numerous levels of analysis are usually necessary to get a reasonable grasp of causes and consequences."
á The fit of leaders to the challenges of their timesÐBritish officers and rigidity in North African war.
á The tensions among competing social normsÐneed for immigrant labor, ethnic prejudiceÐWomen's work, gender equity.
á Strategic vision to afford tactical flexibilityÐsome leaders possess it and when lost society flounders, Tito, Mussolini, Putin.
á Resource bottlenecksÐsome materials: rare earth or copper are essential ingredients for electronics, silicon.
ÒWe bring to history the preconceptions of our personalities and of our age [era or generation]Ó
p. 171
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