The Science is compelling concerning Global Warming
Feedback and climate | Hansen | IPCC | Fourth Assessment, 2007
Take a deep breath, exhale deeply the atmosphere is as close to you as the alveoli of (air sacks) in your lungs. There are few more intimate and lasting relationships we ever maintain than the one between you and the air you breathe.
The very nitrogen comprising 80% of the air you breathe forms the molecular structure of the DNA that is your genetic inheritance. Oxygen that fuels the breath of life is the gift of the plants and some bacteria that sustain creation / the biosphere/ life on earth. And the gas build-up in your lungs that forced you to exhale is CO2, carbon dioxide, or the waste product of respiration that plants and some bacteria need to produce oxygen through photosynthesis. CO2 is an important green house gas that in sufficient quantity causes you to breathe. In any quantity CO2 retains heat or long wave radiation.
Some people can not take that depth of breath, they suffer from asthma, emphysema, lung cancer and other respiratory diseases. Those with maladies, the poor and the migrant worker population will bear the disproportionate burden of global warming in addition to the aged, infirm and children. Children develop faster, metabolize at a higher rate and thus consume more of the pollution in their environment. Heat can make pollution worse by trapping discomforting vaporous irritants near the ground.
Because of five principle green-house gases that like CO2 trap heat, the Earth's atmosphere is measurably warmer than at any time in the past 10,000 years. Human industrial production based on the use of fossil fuels since 1703 has combined with deforestation to pump more CO2 into the air. Since these vaporous emissions stay aloft for years, from 20 to 120 years more accurately what we do today will affect the temperature of the air your grandchildren breathe.
We are not victims, we are the perpetrators of a vast experiment on ourselves and we can do something about this growing problem of air pollution. Humans are smart enough to adapt, spiritual enough to realize the creation is a gift and may be willing enough to pass on a better world than we received. Here is where you come in.
You matter because about
half of the sources of green house gas [GHG] in Florida is from
utilities and the other half is from transportation.
Yes it is hard to believe that every time you take a bus or ride
a bike or share a car with a friend you improve the air quality.
Even harder to conceive is that every time you change an incandescent
light that frequently burns out with a compact fluorescent bulb
that you reduce the demand for electricity and that reduced demand
means less oil and coal burned to generate electricity. Coal and
oil are fossil fuels that are the chief contributors of greenhouse
gases to the air we breathe. All of us make hot air! Indeed the
Southeast contributes 40% of all greenhouse gas emissions and
the USA contributes 23% of all greenhouse gas emissions on earth.
With only 4% of the global population we have a disproportionate
impact on the environment. Like a car left in the sun with its
windows up, green house gases, are slowly heating up the air you
breathe, the gift of creation and the breath of life.
So as an ecological actor of great importance to this drama of hot air and overheated exhausts you can begin today to care for yourself, act better with respect to your neighbors, care for the community of people on earth and cherish the biological wealth of the planet. Breathe a little easier and support the work of the Alliance for Florida's Future. Move us to a green, clean and lean future by promoting the use of renewable, less-polluting and more sustainable fuels. Light your world with lighter energy in that this bulb means that 1/4 ton of carbon dioxide will not go into the air during its lifetime because it saves energy.
The Alliance is the largest sustainable development effort centered on energy, ecological design and healthier living to combat global warming in Florida. With over thirty members this association of civic, business and environmental organizations is promoting a resolution we want you to endorse and help us to pass.
Broward County on 8-29-2000, passed a resolution for the state to adopt a global warming response plan. Since then five more have followed: Miami-Dade, Martin, Alachua, Hillsborough and Seminole.
How we act in concert is of utmost importance because the air you breathe is not just yours. The air we pollute goes somewhere else. If we become cleaner tomorrow we must help our neighbors clean up their pollution as well. The air spills into the lungs of all people across the globe. Acting in one country -- like acting in one home to put water heaters on a timer or buy efficient appliances is very good, but it is not good enough to affect the sort of changes that are required if the whole planet is to breathe a little easier.
We need you, we need your support, we need your letters and your participation to lead the way in promoting energy efficiency statewide, nationwide and worldwide because: we consume too great a share of the world's resources wastefully and a more efficient world is healthier, prosperous and clean.
Earth Day 2000 was focused on promoting "the clean energy agenda" to, reduce our use of fossil fuels. Assist us in bringing solar energy and alternative fuels to the markets that are now rigged in favor of fossil fuels. Acting in concert we can renew and still power our communities to actively engage in building a better tomorrow because of the clean, renewable and sustainable technologies that exist widely today. There is a world depending on your response, help us and help yourself to a safer and less expensive future.
1025 words
12 paragraphs
1 What you and I do has an affect on the air's character, quality and composition
2 the atmosphere is as close to you as the alveoli of (air sacks) in your lungs.
3 the very nitrogen comprising 80% of the air you breathe
4 Some people can not take that depth of breath,
5 Because of five principle green-house gases that like CO2 trap heat
6 we are not victims, we are the perpetrators of a vast experiment on ourselves... Here is where you come in.
7 you matter because about half of the sources of green house gas in Florida
8 So as an ecological actor of great importance to this drama of hot air and overheated exhausts you can begin
9 The Alliance is the largest sustainable development effort centered on energy, ecological design...
10 resolution language in bulleted form -- list counties were it is passed, pending - etc.
11 How we act in concert is of utmost importance because the air you breathe is not just yours
12 We need you, we need your support ... Help us promote the clean energy agenda of Earth Day 2000.
CR = There is a world depending on your response, help us and help yourself to a safer and less expensive future.
Joseph V. Siry, Wednesday, September 20, 2000:9:41:19 AM, revised 2007
Global Warming and Biological Diversity
global warming by G. Tyler Miller
MITs Ronald Prinn's Description