
How is technological change important and disruptive?



Statement of the problem | Arguments | disturbance | Sufficient evidence

We start with Sir Charles Percy Snow and your debate preparation notes — compare them to his essay.


Snow's argument.

• Analysis of Snow's point.

• power of technology.




Statement of the problem | Arguments | disturbance | Sufficient evidence

Then move through each of the authors:

Kaku, Pursell, Pacey to find evidence as the Snow's essay suggests to the focus--

Kaku about automation

Pursell & Kaku

Pursell on war

Pacey on the social preconditions for industrialism's success.

Eberhart on how structure lies underneath inventions.

Postman on invisible technology.

Technological change in the past has been disruptive because:





The three facets of technical changes.



Model of the internal combustion engine's motive cylinder and valves with precise timing.

Statement of the problem | Arguments | disturbance | Sufficient evidence

Go step by step

Start with overview page

Then focus on the problems for Snow which are many but:

1. moral complacency and self absorption allow us to ignore the social conditions.

2. There is an urgent need to address:

    • the two cultures
    • our outmoded educational systems
    • nuclear proliferation – "H-bomb war"
    • population explosion
    • the growing gap among rich & the rich versus poor nations


Statement of the problem | Arguments | disturbance | Sufficient evidence


Kaku we are on the verge -- at breakneck pace-- a new automation revolutions where the sciences (computer, bio molecular, and quantum physics findings) are propelling us to a convergence of power that will make us masters of the planet.


The Mar's rover on the surface of the planet Mars.


Statement of the problem | Arguments | disturbance | Sufficient evidence

Analysis of sufficient evidence:

Are we smart enough ? – well look at the past:

Pursell, information versus dirt and disorder

• Pacey, blocked technical systems

Postman, the communications, railroad and computer revolutions in a complete creation of technocracy and in America a technopoly of people acting like machines.


The future is now,

You are free to focus on the authors' based on subjects and example s that make most sense to you and are most connected — such as electricity in Pacey and Pursell, or computers, medicine, bio-technology, or physics which are of interest to Kaku and Pacey.

Statement of the problem | Arguments | disturbance | Sufficient evidence


Pursell | Pacey–World| Pacey–Meaning | Tenner | Postman | Eberhart | Snow | Kaku

Tools of Toil: what to read.
Tools are historical building blocks of technology.

Start with overview page

