Make a verbal presentation answer this question:
Can we adapt or are we doomed to continuously confusing our fantasies with reality by the inexorable power of accelerating technical change to deceive us?
Summary | Population | Rules | Atomic weapons | Nuclear power | Next
Use two or more authors:
C. P. Snow argued that we are living as well as we are, here in the US, Europe, and Japan, due to the industrial revolutions' impact on education and
our standards of living.
Atomic weapons | Population | Education
The loss of soil and forestry cover in farming and natural areas, decline of water resources, an increase in trans-boundary pollution, and abrupt climate change all have challenged the faith in progress and ideology of development in a world that doubled in population since 1950.
Ehrlich and Ehrlich's assessment.
Growth of population in cities is rising faster now than in the rural areas that sustain urban areas.
If anything technical involving human oversight requires uncommon diligence, something will go wrong.
The home intrudes upon the land and devours the landscape.
Pursell | Pacey–World | Postman | Head | Tenner |Pacey–meaning| Eberhart | Snow | Kaku | Boulding | Delillo | Kranzberg
| Postman–Tech | Postman–Television |