Landscape, water & geography.
What do we look for in design?
It is critical to redesign our lives, because the US has over 95,000 miles of coastline and over 3.4 million square miles of ocean within its territorial waters. These areas provide a wide range of essential goods and services to society, but we are polluting the waters, dredging the harbors, and filling in the marshes that give resilience, protection, jobs, and habitability to residents along the shore where half our population lives.
Some 53% of the total US population live on the 17% of land in the coastal zone, and these areas become more crowded every year?
Animalshabitat: nursery grounds, feeding grounds, refugia,
CommonMcHarg Design with NatureFire and Health Safety
Roads, parking, electricity & sewer
Nature Centerssee:
Commercialsmall business
large conglomerates
ResidentialSingle - family
Multi-family dwellings
Condominiums (owner controlled)
Apartments (rental)
Industrialpolluting manufacture
less polluting assembly
less polluting warehouse
Principles of Ecological Design
Keep Everything on site
Ecological accounting informs design
Make Nature Visible
Solutions grow from place
define design
Climate Change Impacts on the United States 2000 Study:
By the National Assessment Synthesis Team, US Global Change Research Program
Published in 2000
What are the elements of a well designed neighborhood?
Using The Treasure Coast Regional Planning Council's criteria, the handouts as related to the texts, such as McHarg, Siry and Van der Ryn to support your ideas, make a list of what a quality community should have.
Draft an essay based on what you learned at midterm from other presentations and your redesign of three places to answer the above question on the qualities well designed communities exhibit.
Preliminary project drafts are due halfway through the term, so start early and revise often.
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