globe"Life operates on only 10% of the sun's energy reaching the earth's surface, that portions fixed by the photosynthesis of green plants." 

Edward O. Wilson, The Diversity of Life, 36


“We [human civilization] already appropriate 40% of the planet’s organic matter produced by green plants.”

E. O. Wilson, The Future of Life, 2002, page 33.

New ways to think well.

motor cortex vision
Brain's senses


worldviews Earth-centric bio-centric

Ecological analysis requires a complete change in how to envision the relation of the earth to society and social institutions to the planet.


Fourteen Keys lock to the analysis of ecological problems



1.    The worth of nature in dollars: AccountingVisualizing costsNatural assets


2.    Natural productivity    productivity


3.    The accumulation of ecological {biomass} capital described        Trees              "natural capital"


4.    A means to accounting for natural values?  ecological asset accounting in design


5.    Carrying Capacity is one measure of the ecological system's natural  ability to adjust to changing impacts.


6.    Carrying capacity is contrasted with assimilative capacity Capacity: carrying compared to assimilative capacities


7.    New ways to reconsider, plan, and re-evaluate solutions to conserving natural systems & ecological problems


8.    Defining biodiversity: biological diversity & Edward O. Wilson


9.    Population related pages; an index, demography


10. What is ecology? long definition, & short definition


11. Using ecological thinking or ecosystem criteria to understand nature: Ecological Criteria


12. Contrasting social norms with natural, intrinsic, or inherent values: value means?


13. What does WEAL mean? weal as water, energy, air, land


14. Solutions to our predicament: How are solutions to problems evaluated?




Commons, defined: What is common?


Cattle        Hardin's analogy of tic tac toe


       Tragedy of the Commons, by Garrett Hardin


          ¥ A synopsis and outline -- "TRAGEDY of THE COMMONS"


          ¥ Hardin -- Garrett Hardin's book Living Within Limits




A vision for all times


Fritjof Capra's The Web of Life



What is Òthe wisdom of biotic navigation?Ó


Òwe are spending the EarthÕs natural capital, putting such a strain on natural functionsÉthat the ability of the planetÕs ecosystems to sustain future generations can no longer be taken for granted.Ó

Walter Reid, in Ehrlich, p. 330


Òwe have entered the Century of the Environment, in which the immediate future is usefully conceived as a bottleneck. Science and technology, combined with a lack of self understanding and Paleolithic obstinacy, brought us to where we are today.Ó


ÒNow science and technology, combined with foresight and moral courage, must see us through the bottleneck and out.Ó

E. O. Wilson, The Future of Life, 2002, p. 23


ÒOn a more hopeful note, he continued, ÔWe can never reverse the degradation of many ecosystem services over the next 50 years, but the changes in policy and practice required are substantial and not currently underway.Ó

p. 330.

Òthe energy problem brings together many crucial issues in the human predicament. The great speed of evolution in the technological dimension of our culture has led to the deployment of a dangerous and unsustainable global energy infrastructure.Ó

p. 308.

Imperative – the necessity of acting differently

ÒGlobal climate change not only modifies the environment in which organisms are evolving genetically: it can have a major impact on our human cultural evolution as well.Ó

p. 254.

Energy – what is needed in the least amount to achieve outcomes?

ÒEnergy, the ability to effect change in our physical world.Ó

p. 290.


A new way to design a functionally renewing world.

solving the problems of the past

Saving Capital – microbes create interest on solar & geothermal accounts

landscape modification and losses in biological diversity and ecosystem integrity; hence services


Avoiding past mistakes

            Reduce, reuse, recycle, & revive

            Renew where possible

            Invest in geothermal, solar thermal, water purification


            Reduce, reuse, recycle, & revive

                        How little can I effectively utilize / not how much do I need.

                        Is there anything that can be utilized again?

                        What is discarded; is it energy infused, capable of breakdown?

                        Grow again those things that can replenish ecosystem services


            Renew where possible

                        Soil, water, forests and fisheries are a round river of life


            Invest in geothermal, solar thermal, water purification, bioremediation


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