Fathoming several kinds and rates of change (ours is not a static world)
Five different, simultaneously competing rates of change.
fastest |
light speed |
electromagnetic |
slow |
a. geological |
ice age |
slower |
generations |
human births |
slow |
b. decades |
reproduction– inherited |
slowest |
c. varied |
acquired–culture |
1. Energy, electromagnetic waves -- logical (used for communication and transport)
a. Geological (climatic shifts) The geological time frame is called deep time
2. population change over subsequent generations is a basic biological fact determining life.
b. Inherited (genetic variability, immunity, & instinctual behavior) genes transmit "hard" traits
c. Acquired (appetites, learned behavior, “fitness.” traits) called "soft inheritance"
Ecological problems involve all of these changing components and can only be solved by imagination & systemic thinking.