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Categories On this page there is an example of a matrix or association of categories that depicts ecological knowledge of any place. Below is a matrix. It is using the acronym WEAL as the four divisions of an ecological habitat. The matrix here uses the W to stand for water, the E to stand for energy, the A to stand for air (atmosphere) and the L to stand for land (landscape).
Matrix of four constituent parts of the habitat:
WEAL is an acronym representing the world's four corners hidden from our view.
Weal: An acronym based on an Old English word -- weald-- meaning
forest from which our word wealth is derived. The entire area drained by a particular river system; the
basis for comprehending any area. Sometimes called
basin, springshed, rivershed, or tributary valleys.
Land or Landscape
Case: Indvidual studies that reveal the specific dimensions of physical, ecological, social and moral problems associated with how people use resources. A case is a story with a particular setting, participating characters and a related and unfolding series of events.
New concepts: These include cross-boundary pollution, common property resources, comprehensive rivershed planning, ecological services, ecosystem management, systemic thinking and assimilative capacity to old ideas of conservation of natural resources and preservation of biological diversity.
Unless we link land, air and water problems together and comprehend that inefficient use and waste of energy is an underlying cause of our institutional failure to improve our ecological life support system, the future needs of society will not be met by our planets' biological, physical and material wealth.
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