Two bodies in one soul.

ecological history and historical geography

Copper Canyon

The soul of the a place is its "genii loci," or "oikios topos."

Ecological history and historical geography as critical bodies of knowledge to understand our identities.

Salton Sea

The Salton Sea was created by accident in the summer of 1905 when an irrigation canal from the Colorado River had silted up the main stream and the river flooded. As the Colorado flood worsened, its flow diverted into the canal for weeks filling in a basin that was below sea level in the Imperial Valley. Once the largest freshwater body in California, today it is (naturally as this is a desert) saltier than the Pacific Ocean.

Bodies of knowledge

ecological history

historical geography

1. authorities Alfred Crosby John B. Jackson
2. focus functions & disease over time definitive features in space
3. water source of life, biogeography effects on settlements, laws
4. energy renewable and one-time sources fuels for subsistence and food
5. air atmosphere and climate change climate, growing seasons, rainfall
6. land biocoenose, community

scale of settlement

RainfallpH levels


History, geography and ecology combine in an evolutionary way to create a sense of distinct places.

Understanding ecological history and historical geography are basic bodies of knowledge for us to comprehend a place:

Places are real areas, or actual terrains created by living creatures and nonliving factors.

Caribbean Region, The West Indies, the Antilles.


North America




Geographical regeneration

Why this is not ecology, or is it?

Marshes of the Ocean Shore

