The Double Helix, James D. Watson,
(New York: Mentor, 1968), 29 Chapters, pp. 143.
A memoir about how the structure of DNA was discovered (ix)
science seldom proceeds in a straightforward manner
. . . . personalities and cultural traditions play major roles.
the way I saw things then, in 1951-1953: the ideas,
the people & myself. [1967]
the tale was not simple . . . . it was a matter
of five people: Maurice Wilkins, Rosalind Franklin, Linus Pauling, Francis
Crick . . . . (14)
2 older approaches to science: {knowledge of the natural
(physical, chemical, & biological)
Bragg the theorist - Perutz the experimentalist
heuristics - crystallography through x-ray diffraction revealing geometric
forms of proteins, which are chains of amino acids { that are made into
chains by DNA. }
inspired by physicist, Erwin Schrodinger, who wrote: What is Life? (1944)
18) DNA was known to occur in the chromosomes of all cells
. . . . all genes were composed of DNA.
23) one half the mass of the bacterial virus was
27) Though I knew nothing about the X-ray diffraction
techniques that dominated structural analysis, I was optimistic that the
spoken arguments would be more comprehensible than the journal articles,
which passed over my head.
28) In contrast, Maurices X-ray diffraction
picture of DNA was to the point. . . . Before Maurices talk I had
worried about the possibility that the gene might be fantastically irregular.
...genes could crystallize; hence they must have a regular structure
that could be solved in a straightforward fashion.
30) The fact that I was unable to interpret it did not bother me.
Linus {Pauling} explained the specific characteristics that made
his model -- the alpha helix [a protein] -- uniquely beautiful.
At the Cavendish Laboratory, Cambridge University, England:
33) I did not follow Max [Delbrück] at all. I was even ignorant
of Braggs Law, the most basic of all crystallographic techniques.
38) Particularly important were the exact arguments needed to understand
how Linus Pauling had discovered the a-helix.
simple laws of structural chemistry. ask which atoms
like to sit next to each other.
a set of molecular models superficially resembling the toys of preschool
we assumed that the DNA molecule contained a very large number of
nucleotides linearly linked together in a regular way.
39) DNA molecules packed together to for the crystalline aggregates
DNA diameter was thicker than would be the case for a - helix
A further complication arose from the fact that four types of nucleotides
were found in DNA.
Their uniqueness lay in their nitrogenous bases, which were either
a purine (A&G) or a pyrimidine (C&T). . . . The sugar-phosphate
backbone was very regular, and the order of bases of necessity very irregular.
James Watson on the discovery
of DNAs structure.
39) If the base sequences were always the same, all DNA molecules
would be identical and there would not exist the variability that must
distinguish one gene from another.
40) diagram
irregular regular backbone
BASE -------> Sugar
BASE -------> Sugar
BASE --------> Sugar
BASE --------> Sugar
41) he [Wilkins] had shown X-ray diffraction pictures of DNA which
revealed a marked absence of reflections on the median. This was a feature
that his colleague, the theoretician Alex Stokes, had told him was compatible
with a helix.
51) the crux of the matter was whether Rosys
new X-ray pictures would lend any support for the DNA helical structure.
experimental crystallography through x-ray diffraction vs model building
52) her x-ray photographs were somewhat sharper.
52) True, she had done some more detailed measurements of the water
content of her DNA samples
all most of them wanted out of life was to set their students on
to impenetrable details of chromosome behavior or to give elegantly phrases,
fuzzy minded speculations over the wireless on topics like the role of
the geneticist in this transitional age of changing values.
53) she emerges as an impediment to speedy research.
Particularly [important] unfortunate was my failure to babble to
exactly report the water content of the DNA samples upon which Rosy had
done her measurements.
54) there seemed no indication that he thought the
answer would come from playing with models.
55) Though the mathematics eluded me, the crux of
the matter was not difficult to follow. Decisions had to be made about
the number of polynucleotide chains within the DNA molecule.
It was all a question of the angle and the radii at which the DNA
strands twisted about the central axis
Molecular basis of life DNA & RNA
57) Carbon & Oxygen covalent bonds of the sugar phosphate
backbone of DNA
nitrogen, carbon, phosphorus, hydrogen, oxygen are the atomic elements
used in the structural parts of the double helix.
Frank saw that the paradox vanished if crystals were not as regular
as suspected, but contained dislocations resulting in the perpetual presence
of cozy corners into which new molecules could fit.
77) Most important, the simplest way to generate
cozy corners was to have the subunits helically arranged.
every helical staircase
83) steps of the staircase: nitrogen bases
adenine = A
thymine = T
guanine = G
cytosine = C
2 types of DNA groups based on excess of AT or excess
of GC
84) Max Delbruck: quantum mechanics favored a gene
duplicating mechanism involving the synthesis of complementary replicas.
95) John Griffiths role: Francis learned that a
semirigorous argument hinted that adenine and thymine should stick to
each other by their flat surfaces.
92) Chargarfs rules were a real key.
95) she [Rosalind Franklin] thought there was evidence
that the sugar phosphate backbone was on the outside of the molecule.
98) Virtually all the evidence then available made me
believe that DNA was the template upon which RNA chains were made. In
turn, RNA chains were the likely candidates for the templates for protein
expressed the transfer of genetic information from the sequences
of nucleotides in DNA molecules to the sequence of amino acids in proteins.
99) my inability to think in three dimensions became
all too apparent.
107) B & A structures of DNA with the black cross
revealed the print of helical structure
109) DNA was a helix that repeated its pattern every
34 Až along the helical axis.