The above links demonstrate a basic navigational structure.



A discerning use of internet sources is a 21st Century prerequisite for knowledge.

what a web-search is | varieties of search engines | class participation | sources

syle"Bing is the thing wherein to catch the compass of a thing." compass

Internet Search Tools: |learn
By 2004, nearly three quarters of all middle and high school students used the internet as their initial source for research, according to a recent Newsweek, analysis. *

PC: the personal computer.

About searching on the internet.

Below are listed five leading Internet search engines for you to use, or book mark. In addition there are web sites you can trust and should use when writing papers.

How to cite web sources.

This PC device substantially altered how people learn and work to produce documents, images and mixed media.

new feature
These "engines of inquiry" differ depending on their approach to information. They have different kinds and numbers of sites in their reference.
They rank "hits" differently and they retrieve information at different speeds:
Google searches over six billion web pages, discussion groups, & images.
Ask Jeeves
not as good with common names.
Yahoo when searching for specific phrases or names use quotation marks: "Tamil Tigers."
MSN Search compared to what Microsoft has done, this remains a less than optimal performer. searches 4,000 on-line news sources.
Bing as a search site.
Etymological Dictionary.
Citing web sources correctly.
pcs Next

what a web-search is | varieties of search engines | class participation | sources



learn Class participants go here.


Resolving a dispute, try data from these pages:

Research and reliability of sources.

Encyclopedia of information: Wiki and encyclopedia = Wikipedia

"More people use Wikipedia than Amazon or e-Bay . . . because it has 2.2 million articles."

"It was constructed in less than eight years, by strangers who disagreed about all kinds of things but who were drawn to a shared, not-for-profit purpose."

Nicholson Baker, The Charms of Wikipedia, The New York Review of Books, 55:4, [3-20-08] page 6.

Try our WIKI at Rollins -- sign up and write.






A better source to always use is:

Encyclopedia of Earth


Some steps to doing well in classes:

Short essays on this web site as examples for your assignments.

Service Learning opportunities

General class goals.

Site at a glance

Photograph home page

Weekly updates of carbon dioxide levels.

What was new as of 11-2-11?

Rollins College Campus is the oldest four year, private college in Florida, 1885.


[ J. Siry, 1989]

teal line

* "Next Frontiers," Newsweek, March 29, 2004, p. 54.

what a web-search is | varieties of search engines | class participation | sources