alert and mentally alive
The following web pages are designed to convey essential and complementary material for my courses and classes.
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My classes are all about writing and that expression is evaluated based on your critical reading of the assigned texts. These are the focus of our discussions of significant matters concerning human health and the environment.
Assignments | Verbal reports presented | Writing | Note taking | Grades | Basics | Advanced | Expert
These linked pages exhibit basic information for you to know and comprehend if you are to pass any of my courses:
- words I use
- advanced
- glossary
- antonyms
- Visual information
- Learning
- Dialectical thinking
- Methodology
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Assignments | Verbal reports presented | Writing | Note taking | Grades | Basics | Advanced | Expert
Critical thinking is the measure of how you understand, explain, present arguments, and organize material so that people can understand what you have learned. It means to examine assumptions based on what you are reading and hearing in class.
Thoughtful criticism, or an effective critique requires a step by step approach to defining, examining, arguing and refining material facts or data into an interpreted body of knowledge called information.
My goal is to promote your practice and increased facility for, if not a finer mastery of, critical thinking.
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The diagram suggests that each of these steps is a sort of constructive process in building an edifice of information that you can use to explain who, what when, where and how specific concepts have become and remain decisive in describing the core ideas and peripheral information that make up the body of knowledge that comprise my courses.
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Assignments | Verbal reports presented | Writing | Note taking | Grades | Basics | Advanced | Expert
assigned readings are often presented verbally to the class for further interpretations.
is expected, you are
an adult, so I do not grade the work I suggest in class
that you complete at home, but it is compulsory if you are to do well.
Read the assigned texts and make notes on that reading before coming to class. You may bring your notes to regular meetings with me for advice. I can suggest a pass or a fail with respect to your class and home assignments because they are related to your essays and presentations.
Reading is essential, like
air, so keep notes on what you are reading and review.
Use the web site for finding notes from your texts, commentaries on assignments, key concepts explored, or articles by me about concepts you will encounter in discussions with me in class, the field, or in e-mails.
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Science Index | Site Analysis | Population Index | Global Warming Index | Nature Index | Forests | Rivers | My world | Zeitgeist
Assignments | Verbal reports presented | Writing | Note taking | Grades | Basics | Advanced | Expert
Oral Presentations are important for you to master in order to succeed in class. Verbal summaries, readings, or reports are based either on the texts, or the papers that you are assigned to write. They should always inform people about what you did, how you discovered information, when you realized the importance of your discoveries and what you learned.
is the primary means of your demonstrating, more than a mere familiarity with, but instead, a real knowledge of the
readings. A complex understanding of the lectures, your reflection on the
class discussions, and critical thinking about the body of knowledge which forms
the basis of this class as an inquiry is expected in your written assignments.
Writing is so fundamental to creating knowledge that you will want to write every day or every other day.
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taking is an essential
means of being effective in any context where listening to information
requires your attention to and later recall of the details.
You will fail to orderly and coherently remember important data if you do not review your notes.
Bring your notes to class, review them every session and have them for any office visit that pertains to your course assignments.
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Grading is a difficult and often subjective process, but my criteria consists of both what is counted with respect to your assignments and how those writings, presentations, projects or service are evaluated with respect to other assignments and students in your class.
All assignments are graded with these criteria .
The grade scale:
My grading scale is found here: so press the chess board.````>
But do review the class syllabus for the precise values and percentage of each assigned task.
To keep track of your standing in class, or if you ever have questions,
write to me:
how I evaluate you ? | things to do ? | Grades ? | Course organization ? | some tips | contact me?
Assignments | Verbal reports presented | Writing | Note taking | Grades | Basics | Advanced | Expert
Developing expertise, an ecological viewpoint.
This is the logo for my site: Siry's Ecology Forum.
The logo is found at the top of most pages and takes you back to the start of the web site.
The organizing principle for the way I conceptualize reality is ecology. Ecological thinking is a layered conceiving of the way the world works. The horizontal bars in the yellow frame represent from top to bottom: energy, landscape, wildlife, vegetation and water. I think of these as the five ingredients in a naturally functioning world. Such a well conditioned world functions, also to sustain our material and spiritual needs.
Much of this site is devoted to advanced and expert information about three types of knowledge:
These are the basic mental constructs that form the foundations of many other bodies of knowledge. For the purposes of my classes, solving problems is a major way to demonstrate your acquisition of knowledge from the texts. Especially ecological problem solving is a skill you will want to practice in order to see how the development of an ecological imagination is a most valuable way to envision the world.
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In a very short-hand manner, energy, landscape, wildlife, vegetation and water form a pyramid of relations that Aldo Leopold called an imaginary mountain, and Terry Tempest Williams called an "Echo system" to describe the very responsiveness of the world in which you and I --swimmers in the abyss-- are embedded.
Some examples of some other bodies of knowledge on this site are:
The hardest of all ideas to examine is reviewed here in material relating to genetics and Lynn Margulis' works, the "Origins of the Eukaryotic Cell", "Early Life", and especially Symbiotic Planet.
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Assignments | Verbal reports presented | Writing | Note taking | Grades | Basics | Advanced | Expert
New material | Index | Junction site | Home Base | My Courses | Site Map
schedule | Research home | Atlas | site-map | Ecology | laws | reliable web sites | quick look
Science Index | Site Analysis | Population Index | Global Warming Index | Nature Index | Research sites | Genes
Terms | Glossary | Word webs | Basic vocabulary | Advanced Vocabulary | Antonyms | Synonyms | Etymology | Concepts