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The task and related concepts that promote resilience, civil rights, healthy human nourishment, and climate friendly solutions based on ecological wisdom.

"The recognition of the uniqueness of every individual and the role of individuality in evolution is not only of the utmost importance for an understanding of the history of biology, but it is one of the most drastic conceptual revolutions in Western thought."

Ernst Mayr, p.. 80.

More challenging thoughts in Hardin & Mayr.

"In a world ruled by the conscious assumptions of extreme individualism, it is difficult to give solely rational justification for saving things for another generation."

Garrett Hardin, pp. 86-87.

From Mayr we read:

"Between whom does the struggle for existence take place?
In the entire essentialist literature, the struggle is considered to take place among species." (see video)

"Only when one applies population thinking to the struggle for existence can one make the crucial conceptual shift to recognizing a struggle for existence among individuals of a single population."

pp. 79-80.

The relation of population thinking and the characteristics of selection.

The importance of animal breeders (artificial selection as an analogy used by Darwin to describe "natural selection" ) because humans are determining the future of but a handful of creatures in the great mass extinction our food, fuel, transport, habitation and luxury demands are making on the natural world.

"Human demographic success has brought the world to this crisis of biodiversity. . . . Our species appropriates between 20 and 40 percent of the solar energy captured in organic material by land plants. There is no way we can draw upon the resources of the planet to such a degree without drastically reducing the state of most other species."

E.O. Wilson, Biodiversity, p. 272.


variation, the tendency, due to genetic drift or recombination for phenotype to alter around some norm based on differing genotypes.

neoteny, the tendency of the phenotype to exhibit juvenile characteristics even in the adult form based on changes in the genotype.

atavism, the assertion in later generations of genotypic traits and phenotypic characteristics, or heritable patterns found in grandparents or older ancestral lineages.


A matrix approach:

ideas: ecolacy natural selection
Hardin Mayr
Time component of change (a variable) vertical evolution (paleontology)

time bound decisions




species and speciation


present value and future investments
elapsed years, 
* (times
interest rate 

comparable values
Struggle for existence.


species to species competition
population thinking: 
among individuals of the same species

Ipat formula

Adaptive management

"The binding of Time"

An interactive map showing human demands on the planet's resources:


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Last Updated on 9/15/2004 February 5, 2016 .


By Joseph Siry
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