Teaching about technological influences on culture is a two way street, or an exchange of ideas.
Debating as a form of dialog
Be it resolved:
Due to the loss of tectonic control by craftsmen and the consequent pollution of water and air the rate of change accelerated since 1800 coupled with the mechanization of farming and the consequent loss of topsoil; the necessity for for solving four looming problems through the restoration of appropriate technology is a viable yet disappearing opportunity to adapt to global warming induced, abrupt climate change.
Pursell Corollary
The power to define is the power to control:
The relations between technology and science has changed
the older conception of technology was co-opted by the development of science in the 19th century.
What caused this alteration in how we perceive knowledge and action?
“the splitting of the atom changed everything save mans’ mode of thinking, thus we drift towards unparalleled catastrophe.”
Attributed to Albert Einstein.
Gro Harlem Brundtland.
Meaning in technology.
information smog
| Gnomon | words |
In any sundial there is one part - the style or gnomon
-- that casts a shadow. By reading where the shadow falls on the face
of the dial on may discern the general time of day.
By analogy, such is the role of the topic sentence in
your writing.
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Information smog on the other hand refers
to the opposite of clarity.
Clarity is the purpose of the topic sentence -- to cast
the shadow of revealing discourse across the page for readers to see for
themselves what evidence you present them with to draw their own conclusions.
By information smog, I mean the trivial, confusing or
wrong information that is posted on the internet in order to draw people
to and keep them at a site (URL).
Blocked Technical Systems
Consider this statement:
"The use of words in language serve at least a
dual purpose: to reveal and or to hide our ignorance of the surrounding
mystery, we call the world."
Information smog is an example of hiding our ignorance
under incomprehensible details, jargon , genuine misinterpretation and
actual misinformation. Be careful to define your
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or type up the following extra assignment:
Prepare a three paragraph essay on the Snow lecture's text in the following
First read this over and write three paragraphs that explain a an important idea in the chapter.
Second listen to the Media site lecture:
PBS program Car Talk, airing as a podcast, at: www.cartalk.com/menus/show.html
Now reread the paragraph to answer these questions:
- What is the most significant phrase or set of phrases
in the selection?
- Who wrote it at what time and to whom was it written?
- How are they related to one another?
- Figuratively what do all of these phrases suggest
to you?
- Identify the topic sentence.
- Define the importance of the sentence in reference
to the paragraph.
- What does the concluding sentence mean?
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