Ephemeral Coasts |
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"The Enduring Sea."
Once this rocky coast beneath me was a plain of sand; then the sea rose and found a new shore line.
"And so in my mind's eye these coastal forms merge and blend ..." Gooseneck barnacles feeding."Hearing the rising tide, I think how it is pressing also against other shores I know –rising on a southern beach where there is no fog, but a moon edging all the waves with silver and touching the wet sands with lambent sheen, and on a still more distant shore sending its streaming currents against the moonlit pinnacles and the dark caves of coral rock." So concluded Rachel Carson in tying the astronomical movements of the moon, earth and sun to the simple shore on which she stands, suspended in time between the water and the wind contemplating the fleeting quality of landscapes. In case you miss it, Carson reiterates that the seashore represents "a shifting, kaleidoscope pattern in which there is no finality, no ultimate and fixed reality," because as she observes at the sea's edge we see "earth becoming fluid as the sea itself." (p.250) Carson captures the paradox of the sea as both mother and devouring leviathan of souls when she writes, " On all theses shores there are echoes of past and future: of the flow of time, obliterating yet containing all that has gone before; of the seas eternal rhythms --the tides, the beat of the surf, the pressing rivers of currents-- shaping, changing, dominating, the stream of life, flowing as inexorably as any ocean current, from the past to unknown future." She informs us in conclusion that:
Edge of the Sea, pp. 249-250. "And so we come to perceive life as a force as tangible as any of the physical realities of the sea, a force strong and purposeful, as incapable of being crushed or diverted from its ends as the rising tide."Rachel Carson