world here means authentic existence. That is the
actual material conditions that persist enabling us to examine and explain
our surroundings. The implication is that some descriptions of nature are more reliable than other descriptions because they are experienced by others in regularly repeating, or even predictable patterns; such as wet rainfall, warm sunshine, or falling.
Is there a hierarchy with respect to how well to know something?
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are evidence of our mind's evocative
power to create, render, or envision that which cannot be emotively sensed.
Humans have made & continue to make the world warmer by land-use practices and pollution that has altered the oceans and atmosphere.
Concepts to assist us in accurately comprehending our seeing reality
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Umwelt | Mitwelt | Eigenwelt |
The ground of everything on which all beings depend. | A shared world of experiences that shape all of us. | A personal world of our own creation. |
A dose of cognitive
Ecology, of natural areas explained by Eugene Odum.
Evolution, explained by Ernst Mayr and Richard Dawkins.
On the Origin of Species, notes on Charles Darwin's primary document.
A Country of Illusion, about climatic conditions in America's west.
Diversity and E. O. Wilson.
index landscape index
words index
map index
photograph index
Social Sciences index
population index
images can reveal or deceive, like words they may disclose or obscure actual events.
Knowing our Earth well.
In the beginning . . . worldviews reveal old ideas are hard to shake off. 2. weltanschauung Geologically speaking "The motion of plates is slow over the pace of our lifetimes, but over geological time it can be cataclysmic This dance of the plates takes several major steps." Neil Shubin, Universe, p. 115. 3. worlds eventually come and go "Plates can move against one another. As they rub, the plates experience earthquakes, . . . some plates smash into each other. When the plates are continents , this collision results in new mountain ranges."
Shubin, pp. 115-116. 4. worldview: seven steps to appreciating past beliefs about nature. "Plate tectonics reveals connections everywhere."
Shubin, p. 116. 5. "This blast is one kind of supernova. . . . Supernovae work something like . . . fusion reaction. . . . The energy of one explosion brings new kinds of fusion reactions. Supernovae release so much energy that . . . . All the elements heavier than iron, such as cobalt and cesium in our bodies derive from supernovae." Shubin, p. 33. 6. Synthesis – putting it back together.
Knowing Seeing Doing How do we learn?
What does learning involve?
Learning involves a mastery
Behavioral approaches to learning.
We all learn so differently from one another.\