pro·tect [ pro –meaning for; in front– + –tegere "to cover"– = covered in front ]
(past pro·tect·ed, past participle pro·tect·ed,
present participle pro·tect·ing,
3rd person present singular pro·tects)
1. keep something or somebody safe: to
prevent somebody or something from being harmed or damaged. (see conservation)
2. economics help home industries by
taxing imports: called a protective tariff. That policy supposedly is enforced to help the industries in a country by imposing
customs duties on imports from other countries
[15th century. From Latin protect- ,
past participle stem of protegere , literally to
cover in front, from tegere to cover
(source of English integument).]
in·teg·u·ment, integuments
protective layer: an outer protective
layer or part of an animal or plant, for example, a shell, rind,
husk, carapace, or skin.
[Early 17th century. Via Latin integumentum
from integere to cover up, from tegere
to cover
(source of English tile and detect).]
in·teg·u·men·tal adjective
in·teg·u·men·ta·ry adjective