It turned out wrong. | |
What do you see in Hopper's paintings? health | anxiety | losses | legal status | diagram | question | | viewpoint | meaning
Write for five minutes on what Adam Rome means by:
National Environmental Policy Act, 1 January 1970, “a historic milestone.”
1967 Conference, hosted by three agencies of the Federal government.
pp. 189-193.
When private property rights and opposition to regional or urban planning came together even the effort to reverse the loss of open space was seriously derailed. These movements amounted to a rejection of conservation as practiced before the war emerged and the opposed the efforts of activists who were propelled by the adoption of an eco-centric ethic that spawned both 'environmentalism' and the social justice moments. "Though environmentalists readily listed a few basic principles of good land use–don't build on steep hillsides, preserve open space, minimize water pollution, control erosion–the lists did not provide a compelling vision of sound development." p. 252. The technological advancements of the 1920s made both home owning and pollution equally ubiquitous; such when these two measures of progress clashed in the 1960s and 1970s from Santa Barbara to Love Canal in Buffalo New York, the nation faced a conflict it could not easily, quickly, or equitably resolve. The Quiet Revolution begets a loud rebellion Thus anti-environmental movements such as the Sage Brush Rebellion, championed by Governor and later President Ronald Reagan, exist to thwart efforts to repair the inherent tendency of capital investment to undervalue ecological services and the ecosystems that provide water, energy, air, and land. Reagan and later his vice president and designated successor George Bush Sr. were the first two Presidents to end the broad bipartisan agreement between Republicans and Democrats on the necessity of conservation.
Biological Trends in the United States, an annotated guide. Aldo Leopold and a re-envisioning of the landscape. Ian McHarg and the reaction against sprawl. Merchant's Chronology 1640-1992.
health | anxiety | losses | legal status | viewpoint | meaning J. Siry 28 November 2007 \ 6 April 2012 |