What are the facts pertaining to the meanings of ecology, justice, and Neil Postman's criticisms?
Amusing Ourselves to Death (1986)
Marshes of the Ocean Shore, Joseph Siry
• Fact 1: defining ecology carefully is a key.
• Fact 2: in what sense is justice (Dike) defined?
• Fact 3: The role of discourse in your and my mutual comprehension of our common condition.
• Fact 4: Speaking intelligently to inform an audience is one precise meaning of discourse.
• Fact 5: Learning to contribute is necessary in both ecology and to the concept of justice.
• Fact 6: The art of conversation was replaced, augmented, or devalued by the typographical changes due to the printing press.
Thus (media) our ways of understanding of the experience of the world changed due to materials and behavior, according to Postman.
Learning pyramid
Postman's views
The costs of getting behind are serious, so plan ahead.
• How do you learn best?
• What hampers our understanding?
• What is my schedule?
• Survival guides?
Some factors in your success:
Practice writing is the most predictive factor.
Comprehending difficult material in a work group.
group work
Ecojustice education sources:
Let Us Now Praise Famous Men, Walker Evans and James Agee, 1941.
Susan Sontag, Regarding the Pain of Others
This was her last book, published in 2003 before her death in 2004.
Neil Postman, Amusing Ourselves to Death.
Kathleen Parker on what constitutes news in the age of the internet: 8-1-08
Overseas, or Foreign
Press a sampling
USA print media, daily newspapers
Bowers, C. A. Educating for Ecojustice and Community. Athens, GA: University of Georgia Press, 2001.
Date: 8-21-2008 |