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and science is
Other comments on the scientific method.
![]() Strangeness of the natural world A model of the Earth's many geographical forms made to scale with respect to the percent of the land they occupy. All of the smallest particles of nature are spinning bodies that comprise the microcosm, held within a grain of sand. But that microcosm is strange indeed!
There are 61 subatomic particles (fermions, leptons, bosons) including the higgson (Higgs boson).
Once hypothesized as the smallest pieces of matter, discoveries of radiation, electrons, and electromagnetic fields in the late nineteenth century revealed atoms to be just a marker on the way to ever diminishing sized sub-atomic and virtual particles.
Atoms together form compounds and molecules. Paradox of the quantum mechanical scale and the uncertainty principle: "Since
the wavelength of light (visible spectrum ) is much larger than the size
of an atom, we can not hope to ‘look’ at
the parts of an atom in an ordinary way. (65) To visualize the idea of "spin" and the magnetism it manifests consider a fluid vortex. "spin angular momentum" ( Gell-Mann, 196 ) ![]() "and that the higher the energy of a particle, the smaller the wavelength of the corresponding wave." ![]()
The energy that an electron gains from an electric field of one volt is known as an electron volt Stephen
Hawking, A Brief History
of Time, pp. 65-66.
These subatomic particles within the atoms have a property called spin.... ![]() electron has a spin of 1/2 every particle has a spin and when this one spins twice around it looks again the same as it did at the start of the twin revolutions; it also has a mass of one and a negative electrical charge.
(Hawking, A Brief History of Time, page 69.) Spin really gives rise to magnetic attraction which is inversely related to electrical repulsion. "Spin is intrinsic to the concept of particle, and if the mass of the neutrino is indeed zero, its spin and its constant undeviating velocity of light combine to give it a unique new attribute called chirality." (Lederman, The God Particle, p. 344) "This forever ties the direction of spin (clockwise or counterclockwise) to the direction of motion. It can have right handed chirality, meaning that it advances with clockwise spin, or it can be left-handed , advancing with counterclockwise spin." "One
can’t help being impressed by the (Lederman, page 209)
"Another way of thinking about these things is to imagine that all of space, even empty space, is awash with particles, that nature in her infinite wisdom can provide. This is not a metaphor. One of the implications of quantum theory is that these particles do in fact pop in and out of existence in the void. The particles,. . . are all temporary. They are created and then quickly disappear --- a bazaar of seething activity." (Lederman, page 211) I.
I. Rabi : "Spin is a very slippery thing." (271) "Suppose
we trap a muon in an orbit in a magnetic field. The orbiting charge is
also a magnet with a g-value, which Maxwell’s theory says is precisely
2, whereas the spin related magnet his minuscule excess above 2. So the
muon has two different ‘magnets’: one internal the other external (its
orbit). (281) Paul Davies "spin is a property possessed by nearly all subatomic particles, most notably electrons and quarks. . . . to make sense of such a picture (the electron, as a tiny ball revolving about an axis) the axis of spin must point along some direction. . . . physicists have long accepted that the spin of a particle will always be found to point along whichever axis is chosen by the experimenter as his reference." Davies, Superforce, (page 32) "The subject of particle spin contains many other surprises." Electrons
if rotated behave curiously; a 360 degrees of rotation does not account
for a "complete" rotation for an electron
"From a distance, however, this subtlety is not apparent. " (34) Other comments on the scientific method.
Quarks are thought to be trapped in subatomic particles.
(Davies, Superforce, p. 124)
The W- brings about the transmutation of a neutron into a proton by changing the flavor of one of its quarks from the down (d) to the up (u)at the instant of its emission." ( Figure 17. Page 119)
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