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Ecological integrity is understood as a series of interdependent ways of thinking and describing the world we observe. Thus an imaginative faculty is used for conceptualizing the physical and biological conditions of existence.

In this way material reality is viewed as ten interdependent and dynamic, snapshot-like, ideas we must fuse into a vision.

Ecology defined, as a synthetic, edgy and fusion of science information about the planet.

Intention, my intentions are to make sure you know and practice judging the differences between facts and opinions



Meaning your ability to apply a methodology: a method is a difficult concept to apply and is the root word of methodology which means the study of how certainty is established with respect to what people know. A logical process to create verifiable types of information.

Concept map, a diagrammatic display of key parts of an ecosystem.

Metaphors, use of analogies.

Methods and methodology

  1. dialectical method
  2. dialectical thinking, an example.

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Weltanschauung is the German intellectual conception of historical reality. Such a take on that reality is what I most want to convey to adept and perceptive people in my work.

Defining the concept of worldview or Weltanschauung.

In depth look at what worldview means.

A woodland walk: rediscovering proportion

This essay, based on a field exercise, is a selection based on a short piece I wrote on a view of the world (mine) from the perspective of the Saint Johns River and will use the themes of origins, order, character, and urge.


My specific critical observations are contained in the following articles:

Adverse conditions often increase the stamina and adaptive ability of survivors.

Complexity as an adaptive and contingent response to abrupt changes in conditions


Fifth Dimension: Where is it? by Joseph Siry


Forests are wealth:

"Seeing the forest through the trees at the forestry summit"

by Joseph Siry

Global Warming as a real, persistent, and growing threat due to an exaggerated, planetary greenhouse condition that human pollution is driving over a tipping point.

"Climate Change and global warming: the challenges and opportunities for international solutions to sustain our Earth"

by Dr. J. Siry

There is no more pervasive, persistent and daunting problem for us to face together than the opportunities and the challenges
posed by global warming.


" Out of hand…sight and mind? "

by Joseph Siry

We have no time for nature. Natural experiences for post modern people require too much from us


"The cultural and ecological significance of the American Everglades"

by Joseph Siry

An absence of angularity in the nearly flat horizon of the Everglades accentuates flocks of birds. . . . The widest river on earth is damaged.

Without the Everglades, freshwater is gone and without sufficient drinkable water, life in south Florida shrinks, population migrates away and only the hardy few will remain.



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Course related pages

Fundamental to all my courses is what Neil Postman calls judgment

and this requires that you develop a:

vocabulary of key words, in order to understand

dialectical terms and to generate your own

bibliography of significant books as sources of enduring knowledge.

Ecological imagination means the ability to imagine the dynamic interactions of species and communities over time and during changing ecological conditions.

Exercising our cognitive and imaginative powers is a goal of my professional life.


Erotics of places, people and things.

Exploring the Geological time scale!

Thesis distinguished from Theme

A sample of a short speech (under 800 words).

An example of a long essay (1600 words).



Geyser in Yellowstone National Park, the nation's first (1872) national park preserve. [JVS, 1989]


Classes: Islands in the Stream | Caribbean Environs. History | Modern Science | Technology |


All courses listed


Terms | Glossary | Word webs | Basic vocabulary | Advanced Vocabulary | Antonyms | Synonyms

Islands in The Stream

Sprawl, what is it?

Design: What is so important about location efficient design, energy efficiency incentives and energy conservation?

Carrying Capacity described.

Ecological Design, principles of

Florida has a model regional planning council.

Ian Mcharg's Design with Nature and Ecological Planning Methodology

Design map for the class


Course index

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Caribbean Environmental History

defining what we mean by

ecological history

culture and cultural landscapes

Max Horkheimer's critique

Natural Law


Octavio Paz, Labyrinth of Solitude

Early period, time line

study guide for the course




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Milestones of Modern Science is a graduate level course that is a core requirement in the Master of Liberal Studies program.

Characteristics of scientific knowledge

Worldview explored in seven lessons.

A brief definition of science as it is used today.

Observations on the original meaning of science.

Full treatment on meanings of science

Example of a short (800 word) essay:

"The way it is with symbols requires us to change our minds about nature."

by Joseph Siry

We are a sentient creature that symbolically represents the world...

The Meaning of it All

Galileo the discoverer and founder of the language and methods of science.



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Environmental History of the USA

Reflections on our common natural and cultural heritage of People on the Land, asks "Is humankind a natural parasite or a progressive agent of cultural change on this planet?"

Related ideas

History of Technology: Tools of Toil

Have we invested more in our symbols of technology than they can promise us in satisfying our hunger for contentment?

Home page for the technology section

Defining technology

Contrasting science with technology

Course syllabus (past)

Has technology created a world we do not understand?

The story that lies at the core of the technology class.

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An example of an Annotated Bibliography

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Last Updated on 07/02/2014 .

By Joseph Siry


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