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Visualizations: The nature book of Art and Science, by Martin Kemp
Mona Lisa's lessons, she is nicknamed La Giocanda, "every painted effect was, in theory, based on a natural law."
"the quest for an art that would be universal," was a passion of Leonardo and Dürer. Albrecht Dürer's depiction of the art of accurate representation. Spatial Visions
p. 28. Graphic precisions
pp. 60-61.
Man and Beast
Nature on the Move
The artist opens up ways to envision the reality of motion or change. p. 47. Space and Time
p. 98.
Making Models "For (Joseph) Albers, such attempts to construct a precise science of colour could inform practice but never provide absolute prescriptions for making works of art." p.115. "As knowledge of molecular structure has entered worlds which are impossible to 'see' in any normal sense, analogies with objects within our normal range of visual experience have lost none of their efficacy as aids to visualization, even if the metaphysical and religious dimensions have retreated." One of the most spectacular acts of modeling was initiated in 1937, when Max Perutz's work on hemoglobin. As Perutz graphically recalled, , 'the first protein structures revealed wonderful new faces of nature." He needed to reveal these faces --graphically and not mathematically. p. 120
The Haemoglobin molecular cluster New Worlds Revealed "Given that the greater part of our planet is deeply covered with water, most of its topography is not visible to us. It is only since the Second World War that we have begun to scan the uncharted depths." "...Involves considerable visual agility." "Navigating through the the landscape, devoid of the recognizable features of our human terrain, demands hugely disciplined scrutiny , the cultivation of visual memory, and considerable perceptual control. ... Newly accessible territories are yielding their secrets through the ingenious reapplication of enduring visual habits." pp. 140-141. Process and Patterns "Residues of memory are central to (Cornelia) Parker's associative properties. She is concerned to arouse our contemplation of the acts and processes that have deposited what we now see." p. 146
Cementing Relationships: Civil-engineer have long been familiar with how granular materials –such as sand, soil, or cement powder– pile up. The simplest and most important feature is the existence of a 'critical angle'. Depending on the nature of the granular material, there is a steeper slope that it can sustain without collapsing. This slope runs at a constant angle,with the ground – the critical angle. If you keep piling sand higher and higher . . . the slope of the sand pile will steepen until it reaches the critical angle. . . . The resulting 'steady-state' shape, in the simplest model, is a cone whose slope is A = exactly that of the critical edge. p. 150 pattern. This is a site that discusses the underlying and more obvious patterns to look for in the world we inhabit. People, places and publications "The currently fashionable rhetoric of scientific imagery appear in conveniently exaggerated form in the advertisements. Polished photographs of equipment and eager operatives feature prominently, with a lacing of more technical images, such as graphs and the double helix (which must hold the advertisers' record for graphic popularity in this decade)." Microcosm means that something that is smaller stands in place of --for purposes of comparing to elicit some meaning-- the larger and often less comprehensible thing. The human body stands for the solar system, for example with the sun at the heart or core of the planets (a poor analogy, in that it is not exact,but it shows a comprehensibly smaller thing representing the larger) The use of a miniature model to explain a larger set of operationally related, often complex, systems. Early in human history, for example, the planets where thought of as deities or in Greece as Titans and gods. The influence here was largely Sumerian. Residents of the Tigris and Euphrates river valleys, often called the "cradle of civilization" thought of the stars as the campfires or signal fires of distant warriors for whom they treated as heros and bearers of certain cultural arts, such as painting, ceramics or metal making, to their ancestors. The idea was among early alchemists that the smaller earthly characteristics stood for, represented or were reflections of larger forces in the sky.
Comparisons look for similarities and contrasts look for differences. Both of these strategies are used to determine more clearly what something means, to show relationships among related concepts, or to extend ideas so that one demonstrates increased understanding of how meaning changes with respect to the context of a word. concepts in relation to technology The simple word "fiddle," for instance means, 1) to play the violin, 2) to tinker with a device, or 3) to become absorbed in the trivial while more important matters are ignored. Thus, it is the context that allows this word to virtually change its meaning to a completely opposite intent. Here the word mean, or means refers here to a definition, or "indicates, represents, or explains, conveys or expresses" a significance. As opposed to the means "or manner of doing something, or way to achieve an end purpose or outcome," the word "means" has a certain context which imparts a different definition to the intent of the word depending on the situation or context. meaning in relation to technology Nothing is what it is. Nothing is what it appears to be. What does "visualization" mean besides being able to see what someone means? "If that seems like a fine point, it is one that escaped scientists who developed PET and fMRI (functional magnetic resonance imaging) scanning technologies, as well as the medical personnel who use those diagnostic tools everyday without knowing exactly what the images represent. PET and fMRI are not recording neural activity directly, but rather surrogates for activity -- changes in blood flow (in the case of PET) and blood oxygenation (fMRI) -- Kasischke explained. He compares PET and fMRI scans to pictures from cameras with slow shutter speeds and wide-angle lenses, producing a broad view over a relatively lengthy time span. A very different picture emerges from multiphoton microscopy, which can record millisecond changes in microscopic detail. The ultra-fast microscopic technique can image individual nerve cells and even their finest extensions, where important steps in brain-cell metabolism take place." "Multi-photon microscopy scans by Cornell University biophysicists of living brain tissue, as reported in the latest issue of Science (July 2, 2004)."
THURSDAY, JULY 1, 2004, Brain Chemistry and laser microscopy Stieglitz & O'Keeffe revolutions in photography and art NASA visual photographic library perspective in renaissance art Subject index for visually related pages.
In his 1997 article Thoughts on Visual Literacy, Philip Yenawine describes visual literacy as
Words; the importance of accurate expression and the appropriate choice of terms is examined here. Eight of the most important terms for my courses are defined here, as well as on other pages. Worldview is discussed and analyzed at some length and a detailed discussion of ignorance and certainty as these ideas relate to knowledge, use of evidence and specific lessons is at this site.
Martin Kemp. Visualizations: The Nature book of Art and Science. Berkeley: University of California Press, 2000. Words as signs | Hunter S. Thompson | Word webs | Basic words | Advanced words | Terms | Antonyms | Synonyms |